and i am cleaning house. sometimes i think it's such great therapy to organise and clean out your space. i really love it. and THAT coming from a woman who was use to a maid 34 years of her life. the sun is shining and it's so beautiful and gorgeous outside. i am thinking BBQ for dinner. besides the fact that it's a fab meal, it's so easy! and then the driving started again for me. with 3 girls in ballet and tap, i drive to the dancing warehouse 5 days a week. bring it on. i know it's doing them good. jana and i will be doing some grocery shopping just now. I really THANK GOD for an uncomplicated life. i love simplicity and order. and i have learned NOT to stress about stuff. amazing how peaceful my life have become this last year. someone once wrote "it's not the tragedies that kills us, it's the messes". yep. there sure is a lot less mess here today. again a life-line word for me: Mat 11:29 Walk with me and work with me--watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Mat 11:30 Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."
heart and soul
yeah, i know what you mean, sometimes it is good to just clear out. Love that verse you posted 'unforced rhythms of grace' that bit.....
have a great day :)
Love the simple things of life!! :)
love cleaning my space too. major nesting going on here with the hint of fall/winter coming plus being a new house. so many plans/so much work to do to get ready to "hibernate". :)
Enjoy the weekend!
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