So many requests for a step-by-step for this project. More questions. I promise to answer them all. Later this week. so check back. The IDOL winner will be announced around noon (MST) on the MMIDOL website... so those die-hard-few can go to sleep now. or the those who are awake can go and do some shopping. (around 9 o'clock evening South African time). YEP looooonnnnnggggg wait. that reminds me of one of our favorite sayings: Man standing on edge of mountain with mouth open waiting for roast duck to fly in has got LOOOOOONNNNGGGG wait. i will be online the whole morning. so feel free to keep me company. i *HEART* you guys. if you want to check out something really "cool and sweet" click the "amazing and fun" link just under the idol box. I am so amazed at the human brain. WHO on earth figured that out?
Remember that voting is not yet done so PLEASE if there is ANYTHING you can do, NOW is the time!!
I bet this will be a long day for you!! Hang in there!! Thanks for the reminder--I got my vote in on time. Yeah!! I hear it's close!! :o) Love the way you shine your light Wilna!! You are a blessing!!
Hi Wilna,
I can't handle this wait!!! It's midday on 31/10 here in Durban, South Africa and I'm trying to work out when we'll get the results. I think we're about 8 hours ahead. I'm not going to bed tonight until I know the results. Thank you again for the RAK, I've emailed my address to you.
Lots of love
Lesley Otto
SA Scrapper
Wilna, I am so excited for you I can hardly stand it!!!!!!!!! I made my DH come look at your awesome project and he loved it as well. You're amazing!!!!
Keeping my thumbs crossed and prayers going up to heaven. Will definately have to check out the site tonight (9pm in SA) to see you get crowned!!!!
You go girl - your stuff rocks!!
Cathy Sanders
I'm watching and waiting with you! Can't wait to find out! Thanks for the mentos/diet coke link haha, that was a nice distraction :D Have a great day Wilna!!!
glad you said the votes were going to be in later was going to wait up last night and see who won....I am keeping an eye out now though :)
You are going to do awesome :)
best of luck girlie...my fingers are crossed.
My friend, so much for you being online the whole day - I have gone to check on you every few minuts to hear what is happening. Even though you haven't been online to talk i know inside my tummy that you will be wearing the Midol crown this year... Can't wait no longer - the tension is distracting me from my work. love ya
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