Saturday, November 25, 2006

we are on holiday!!

yep. we are taking a breather! at the moment i am sitting on the bed in our Hotel room in Calgary while the kids are in bed in their room with grandma and grandpa. while jaku and i sat in the hot tub i asked him to choose a number between 1 and 22 and the chose number 22 asking WHY? so i told him about my RAK and i am glad to anounce BRENDA! you won the book. please email me!

while we are on our holiday in the canadian rockies, i am going to have lots of fun with ya'll... tomorrow i am going to IKEA here in calagary and i am going to buy something small and sweet there to give away as a RAK ... so tell me...

what's YOUR fav holiday? and tomorrow night i will pick another number! and then i will tell you more about what we are up to.

From Prince Albert to Calgary is about a 7 hour drive. and on our way here we passed through Drumheller. this is our second visit there, but this time it's snowing and the valley is beautiful! it's been -23 degrees literaly the whole day and while we sat in the hot tub it started to snow. beautiful.
talk soon
wilna x


CrazyOnU said...

I guess my favorite would be Thanksgiving. Our whole family is together and I get to feed everyone. I really like having everyone come to our house and cooking lots of food. All the kids running around. I have 4 daughters and my hopes are that when I have grandchildren someday everyone will come over on Sundays for dinner. I just love that!

Thanks for the great RAKS!
And all the inspiration too.
Can't wait until you tell us how you how made your mm project!!!

Jenny said...

Oooh sounds really cold!

I think my favourite holiday is Labour Day here - always the fourth Monday in October, it's the first holiday for months and to us it signals the start of summer

Staci Compher said...

My all time favorite holiday has to be christmas, I dare admit that I have had the christmas radio station tuned in to my car since the first week of november, today we put up our tree, and we have a big family party on christmas eve....I just feel good during this time......I love to spend time with family.....and watch my girls make memories......and watch their faces christmas morning....Staci

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah! I won the book from your last RAK!!! Thank you! No need to include me on this one, just wanted to say thanks so much. Fav holiday would be Christmas but Thanksgiving is a close bday sometimes falls on Turkey Day & in fact it just did...I turned 40 on Thanksgiving this year & loved it!

Jacqui Bourne said...

It has got to be Christmas! It's so wonderful and exciting. A wonderful time to get together with family and enjoy each others company while celebrating the birth of our wonderful Saviour! Enjoy your holiday

Roxy Roller said...

Ohh! Hope you have a great holiday! My favorite holiday is Christmas, the birth of my Saviour! And the most wonderful time of the year!

me..... said...

Hi there my friend. If you mean holiday in the South African sense, then it will be in Scottburgh so the kids can surf and I can laze around. If you mean holiday in the American sense then it would be Christmas. We always have to be on the farm as the labour goes on leave and it is really relaxed.

Dale Anne Potter said...

My favourite holiday is Christmas - when all the family tries to be together, when we think about the whole year and how we are so lucky to live in the country we live and have a roof over our heads!
ENJOY your holiday!!!

Spot-On said...

holiday in the american sense? I'd pick the 4th of July! Not american but I live in america and 4th July with all the colors and flags, food and fireworks!

closely followed by halloween!

Anonymous said...

Have a great holiday Wilna!

Micayla said...

Its gotta be CHRISTMAS!!!! I just love everything about it!! The family time together and the warm fuzzy feeling it leaves.

Anonymous said...

Hello....My favourite holiday has always been Christmas just love getting together with most of the family. Thank you so much for the RAK it arrived on Friday. LOVE everything, especially the chocolate (mmmmm) & the scrapbooking stuff. Have searched for those particular ones here (Footprints in the sand - my favourite poem) so thank you very much.
Have a great holiday!
Lotsa luv
Lesley Otto