I entered for BasicGrey and the Chatterbox album competitions. No love for me there. I created (to date) the most personal and amazing albums (for me) and I cry every time I read my chatterbox album. But you know what? I had to go through this time of trial to assure myself how big is my dream. That I believe in myself. That I do this with a passion. That I had something to say and something to give the world that is unique. A mandate. And the same goes for you. I ask you again... is your dream worth quitting on? I think not.
One thing that Jaco and I learned early in life, was fall down seven times, stand up 8. And in that process, dream bigger, reach farther, stretch yourself. And when it comes to pass, it will be a tree of life. Your dreams will not take you where your character can not sustain you. I have come to realize that when your dream happens, you ought not be surprised. I remember the night I heard I won HOF, it was as if God already planted a even bigger dream in my heart. You have to go through these "disappointments". It builds your character. (Like Calvin always say... this character building is going to kill me!)
If you want to hunt tigers...you have to go where tigers are.
I really believe in you. I would love to hear your thoughts.
PS: I will draw a name from todays comments and send you something special.
Oh and I am still keeping count of the show and tell rak!! Wink-wink!!
you are so right Wilna
'Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you may still land on a star'
I agree too, so much in life is just someone's opinion.
Let us look to ourselves and our God when we measure
Wilna...that was just incredible...i'm going to print it out (if that's ok)!!!! Huge blessings to you and yours, thank you so much :)
Great thoughts! Thanks for all the daily wisdom!
Well I was expecting a big congratulations for the winners, not a beautiful piece for those who will win tomorrow. Wow! Wilna that was brilliant. I have never entered competitions only because I fear failure, and also coz when I see other people's work I feel mine fails in comparison. Your words struck a cord in my heart. I may never enter competitions but I do realise how proud I am of my work.
Thanks, Priya
What an awesome, awesome post Wilna!
So profound & heartfelt & filled with your trademark passion that you tackle everything in life with.
As you know, I didn't enter MM Idol because at the moment I am focusing all my energies & faith on a different dream & your touching words of hope & encouragement were just what I needed to hear today. Thank you Wilna, for your beautiful he{art}.
Much love
Today's post is absolutely beautiful...I wish that I could in some way put into words how you reach into my heart and pull and stir and make a way to find peace within as well as out. Thank you Wilna. Yesterday after reading the list I was genuinely happy for those that placed and enjoyed seeing all those talented submissions but a little place in my heart was sad...I had thoughts that I should probably change my dream so that it's smaller, (just what you wrote about), because it wasn't realized yet by others. Then after reading your words I am nodding, my heart is getting fuller, my spirit is refueled and I am choosing NOT to make my dream smaller but BIGGER! :) Like you said, this as well as all experiences in life that pose a trial build character! We have a choice, an opportunity to learn something, whether it is regarding our craft or ourselves it's up to us to see it, face it and embrace it!
Have a super, wonderful, blessed day Wilna! Thank you so much for your genuine thoughtfulness,goodness and care.
You are AMAZING, my pearl. This is why I LOVE you so! I totally agree with every word and I never ever lose faith because I know that God has brought everything I set my heart to to pass. Everything I do, I do for HIM :) Every breath I take, I take for HIM, and every project I do, I do for HIM. To praise HIM and glorify HIM. I am so grateful for the talent that He has blessed me with. I would'nt have it any other way, because it is HIS way :)
I am completely, perfectly, incandescently happy :)
Such poignant words of wisdom. I was not shocked to see the absence of my name on the list (I really wasn't happy with my entry - it felt forced, wrong and just not me). I entered anyway, just because each opportunity is a chance for growth.
I DO have BIG dreams - I DO believe I can achieve them. I DO believe GOD has put certain things on my heart to persue. It is up to me now to FOCUS and seek out those things working diligently in the path HE has laid for me.
Thank you for your kind words of reassurance. For those who aren't quite sure the path they should take, your words will inspire them to keep going until they find their path - For me, I know where my Tigers are - pardon me while I go hunt them!
Have a great day!
Hi Wilna
Your words are stunning and so true. One should never give up even when things don't work out to plan. I belive that God has a special plan for each of us and that things happen for a reason. So to those who did enter and did not make it through, not to worry God has another plan for you.
To those who did make it through Congratulations and all the best for the next round.
Wilna you are trully an inspiration to us all.
Lots of Love
Wilna...thanks for that encouragement...I did not enter the mm idol competition, but have tried for several other things. But I don't give up...and I find that in pushing myself to enter and "dream", the greatest reward is seeing my own growth and the inspiration that is a product of the challenge!
......girl you got me choked up here today!! I am going to print this....and hang it in my scrap room....Wow felt like you were reading my heart!! that was just beautiful....thanks Staci
My dearest friend, your words always leave me speechless. One of those "this is to big to comprehend in one sitting" moments. I often come back two or three or more times a day to read and re-read your post for the day. Often 'cos I it was to big for one helping and sometimes 'cos I need it more than once a day. I really hope today my comment will stay and not get eaten. Everytime I tried to leave a comment yesterday - cyberspace ate the comment. So I am not giving up, I will continue to leave comments....Love ya lotsa jellytots
Wilna.......this is exactly how I talked to myself last nite when I saw all the names that didn't include mine.
I have gone thru this same experience when entering my Art Quilts in all the big shows.
If we don't enter, I feel we will stay the same and not try to experience something else or different.
Also, being a cancer survivor I have come to know that God does only give us what we can handle and rejection is just that little bump on the road to something way better!!!
Wilna, Ok-these words will not be as elegant as yours but..I just want you to know that I hear you and agree with you in a huge resounding way! Thank you for speaking the words we need to hear!
For a little while, I thought my dream was to enter contests, get recognition/ affirmation for my art/my talent...but God has shown me that for right here, right now, experiencing my art; learning to allow myself time for art and create from my true self rather than mimicking others is my biggest dream. It has been incredibly freeing for me to simply create...all the things I've learned about myself and things I'm working on...it's so good. Thank you for your wisdom and sharing it. Thank you for your faith - it lifts us all and reminds us of what is most important! Blessings to you!
That was awesome advice. I didn't enter the contest this year. I just didn't feel like it was my time. I do feel like God has a purpose for me with my scrapbooking - He has to. He wouldn't have made me with such a desire and passion for crafting otherwise. I have been doing some kind of craft ever since I was a kid and it wasn't til I reached scrapbooking that I found "IT". This is IT for me. I just started teaching classes at my local Hobby Lobby. I've got a beginners class this Saturday with 2 people signed up and I am thrilled! I'm finishing up my pages this week. I'll post you a link when I'm done. I feel like this is just my first step. My church is also starting "interest groups" and my Pastor's wife wasn't surprised when I came up and said I wanted to do a scrapbooking one. We'll start meeting in March. Even if I never get published or make it onto a design team - that's ok. I will always love this and I know there is a purpose in it for me. Thanks for the encouragement - and I hope many others listened too!
Wow Wilna,
wonderful advice and encouragement from you. I would love to see some pictures of your chatterbox album on your blog. I'm sure you and your husband are teaching your daughters some wonderful ways to get on in life. Thank you for all that you do and your great advice.
Fran Heupel
Thanks so much for your encouragement today Wilna! God is good and he puts dreams in our hearts not to destroy us but to lift us up to the higher place he wants to bring us. Thanks for your honesty and no fear on your blog! Kim
right on Wilna, right on!
As you know, I entered chatterbox the first time they did it with what I thought was an album that was so true. It was for the parents of my sisters best friend who had just died at age 21 from a 10-month battle with Leukemia. It didn't make the top 25 and I was so disappointed. So, the next year I decided that my sis needed an album about their amazing, unique and glorious friendship and I decided to let CBX push me once again. This time, I got the call. To date, it is one of the most beautiful projects I've ever done (because it was from the heart). I totally subscribe to yours and Jaco's mantra. It works.
{hugs} to those that are disappointed. Treat yourself to something special and tomorrow is a new day!! :)
-andrea g.
Honey Thank-You! I'm among the non-50 but I'm ok with it! I love your kinds words and encouragement! We all have our special talents and gifts... now I need to use them and go catch me a tiger.
Le Anne Bull
OH Wilna! Girl...God really used you to speak to me today. I didn't enter MM or anything...but I have a big dream that I was just about to give up on. I really needed to HEAR this today. My sweet husband has been trying to say the same thing to me, but I couldn't *hear* him, KWIM? To come across this today in my daily blog visits. Wow. Did my ears ever prick up. Thank you!
Wow just wow..I needed this message so much today. Thank you for walking into my heart for a moment. God Bless
Hello Wilna - what an awesome post you truly are an INSPIRATION! I often feel like my dream is TOOO big BUT you have given me the strength to carry on - not anything to do with contests etc but on a more personal level to get to that stage where I am always happy with me! Not sometimes - most of the time condemning and being hard on myself - THANK YOU - I truly believe we were brought together for a reason - a BIG reason and I thank you and the Lord for it! A note for Candice too - you are so awesome you will be living your dream soon! Love you both stax Claire!
I've always had a feeling that there is something waiting for me out there...I'm not gonna give up! I will create for me, and if I get noticed along the way, it's a bonus! Thanks for your inspiration, Wilna! Patty :-)
How true you are to your own caring and compassionate self. I entered the chatterbox twice...once with an album dedicated to my daughter with the long title, "Life your legacy. Be a woman of courage, a woman of love and a woman of industry," which included bits of the wedding gowns of three generations (including my great grandmother's wedding gown) the second one was dedicated to my son entitled, "The Man I Hope you Become." Both profound and beautiful works of art (if I do say so myself....hehe) Neither got a nod... but the benefit? That perhaps with the extra added nudge of the contest, I have two albums that are a treasure to me and my children and I am sure, future generations. Also, I receive the ohhs and ahhhs from friends and family.....they provide the only enjoyment and approval that is ultimately significant and meaningful.
Bless your generous heart Wilna,
What a great thoughts! This is why I came here everyday… for all your daily wisdom! I love you girl!!!!
Congratulations for the 50 girls!! I’m not there (yet, lol!!). I love competitions... I love challenge myself!! Every competition is rewarded with more confidence, more experience for me!!! And every time GOD rewards me too… with straight to move on and try again!! I’m thankful for that!!! I have a BIG dream and I never will give up!!
Thanks Wilna, you really have a beautiful he{art}!!
Thank you Wilna for the reminder. I entered the KI Color theory contest a little bit back and I poured, I mean poured out my heart and soul. I think it's my favorite thing I've ever done. When I didn't see my name I was devastated. Are my thoughts and visions not good enough. Why wasn't that what you wanted. It included everything they could possibly want and more, so I thought. I did give up some because I felt like I had given a piece of my heart away and it wasn't good enough. I'm back though and I persevered and it built my character. Thank you again for the reminder to push through and push on.
My (& your) dreams are only as BIG as we make them!
Wilna how kind of you to give a blessing to those who were not chosen. I don't have the courage to put my heart and soul into these kinds of things, so I have never entered anything like this. I admire those who are willing to try and to face the disappointment of not being chosen. Because we all know for this competition there may be 1000's of entries. So most people don't make even the first cut! I appreciate your thought and sentiment.
Wilna, I have tears in my eyes reading this today after not winning a spot yesterday. I will come back later after I collect my thoughts and tell you how much I appreciate you and how you've inspired me.
Love to you and yours...
I just posted on my blog today Wilna about the same kinda thing.... even before dropping by here.:)
Somedays life seems so unfair.. but down the road...things work out and you are a better person.. or should I say.. stronger..... we have been dealing with some personal stuff here that has affected our family.
My one piece of advice is NEVER GIVE UP.. no matter what your dream is.... you can do it!
This is beautiful!!!!
Have a nice day!
Wonderful message.
Thank you for your words. I did enter MM Idol thinking i'm not going to get that far - but hey - if i don't try, i'll never know. and that's ok that i'm not one of those 50 - at least i know for myself, which of my layouts i like the best and i've created 3 things that i can be proud of. i don't usually go for contests or publications because of a sense of inadequacy but that's ok - my style isn't like those that get published and it's OK. it's my style and i'm creating for ME. it's my outlet in this crazy world.... :)
a sign i have above my desk is my dream - "Make something good" and i try and follow that dream daily!
Having FAITH is what's all about - faith to know that God's plan is way better than i could dream of!
Thank you for your words. I did enter MM Idol thinking i'm not going to get that far - but hey - if i don't try, i'll never know. and that's ok that i'm not one of those 50 - at least i know for myself, which of my layouts i like the best and i've created 3 things that i can be proud of. i don't usually go for contests or publications because of a sense of inadequacy but that's ok - my style isn't like those that get published and it's OK. it's my style and i'm creating for ME. it's my outlet in this crazy world.... :)
a sign i have above my desk is my dream - "Make something good" and i try and follow that dream daily!
Having FAITH is what's all about - faith to know that God's plan is way better than i could dream of!
Hi Wilna - this message needs to be read over and over until it penetrates! Thank you once again for being such an inspiration! It is the 22nd and lets not forget your show and tell! Another random fact about me - my dream is to encourage or inspire people to tell their stories! I love it when ladies come back after a class or have done the journaling triggers on the site and say WOW we never knew it was so easy! I truly believe meaningful scrapbooks hold their creators stories and that legacy is more important than pretty pages! Have an AWESOME day - we are into day two of the hottest days recorded in SA so ours may be a little uncomfortable! Claire
Hi Wilna - this message needs to be read over and over until it penetrates! Thank you once again for being such an inspiration! It is the 22nd and lets not forget your show and tell! Another random fact about me - my dream is to encourage or inspire people to tell their stories! I love it when ladies come back after a class or have done the journaling triggers on the site and say WOW we never knew it was so easy! I truly believe meaningful scrapbooks hold their creators stories and that legacy is more important than pretty pages! Have an AWESOME day - we are into day two of the hottest days recorded in SA so ours may be a little uncomfortable! Claire
I know many awesome, wonderfully talented scrappers whose names did not make it on the list of 50. In fact I think they are even better than what I saw (and what I saw was good)!!!!
Great going to all those who entered and were brave enough to put "themselves" in front of others to be judged.
Hi Wilna
THese words are just what I needed to hear today. I'm in the midst of making decisions that will affect the rest of my life. I have too many dreams and need to sift through them and find what it is God wants me to do. Thanks again.
Hi Wilna,
Thankyou for your wisdom and compassion and encouragement. Do you know how much God uses you? I would never have thought of a blog as a ministry, but there you go, God surprising me all over again! May He bless you in your walk with Him, and may you stay open to His leading in your life, that you may continue to minister to others through your art and your words.
God Bless you, little red tulip!
Hi Wilna,
Thankyou for your wisdom and compassion and encouragement. Do you know how much God uses you? I would never have thought of a blog as a ministry, but there you go, God surprising me all over again! May He bless you in your walk with Him, and may you stay open to His leading in your life, that you may continue to minister to others through your art and your words.
God Bless you, little red tulip!
Long ago I sent off at least 10 l/os to a mGzine. None of them was accepted and I was devastated. I threw myself on my chair and my DH asked me why I was scrapping - was it to be published or as a hobby/legacy for the family. Now I don't enter and if I do, I don't care. Hugs from me
Hi there my friend, just popped in for the second helping of your food for the day. C u l8r. Love ya lotsa jellytots
I couldn't agree more with your very eloquent words. I've never been published (so far) but heck, if I don't try, I won't succeed eventually. And even if I don't succeed, getting published is not my reason for scrapping. I look at it as a learning experience and learning is always good.
Just popped in for desert, by now I think I have digested it all. love ya lotsa jellytots
Hi Wilna, I had to come back today to reread your words of encouragement and also, I am helped by reading all the comments from the wonderful ladies who post on your blog. You truly have a ministry here. It's as though you reach into my heart and know what's there and know exactly what to say to make it all better. Thank you so much for lifting up those who didn't place instead of rejoicing with those who did. I really thought when I came to visit here after the announcement was made that I would find alot of talk for the winners. But instead, being the Godly woman that you are, lifted the spirits of those whose hearts were heavy laden. You'll never know how much of a blessing you are to us. I'm sure there are many more you don't know about who read this blog but do not post comments.
Please don't put my name into any prize drawings. Fellowship with you is reward enough for me. I'm here to stay. Count me as a regular.
God bless your ministry.
Thanks Wilna,
You are right and sometimes you just have to take a step back to realize all the truth in your words. I thank you again and keep up the great job.
Wow...so true.
Thank you for putting yourself out there and empowering others to dream the big dream. We have so much more power than we think, and we tend to give that power away much too easily.
We must believe in the power of our dreams and trust in our Guide. Thanks again,
Hi Wilna, thanks for that awesome inspiring note. I must say I did enter MM Idol, although I did not get chosen. I'm not bummed about it, maybe I will have a better chance next time, as I say nothing ventured, nothing gained, my dream is still big, and I know it will come real someday, like your did.
Your words are so simple and yet so wise, Wilna! Thanks for a beautiful blog entry for those of us who have been knocked down a bazillion times, but keep trying. I'm going to make sure my ten year old reads it too!
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