1. This girl got a Canadian scrapbook toot!! Huge congrats girl!! (a name)
2. Read this article and be wowed! I mean, just WOW! (a name)
3. When I saw this website I breathed a deep relieved sigh. (a website name)
4. This woman's writing is exceptional and one of my favorite blogs to visit. (a name)
5. Look at this simple and beautiful page and tell her that!! (a name)
6. When I grow up I want to have a blog like her. (a name)
7. This will ease your mind today! (it's about what?)
8. Tell my best friend to blog more! hee-hee! (a name)

9. I am watching this movie while working and it's brilliant! (movie's name)
10. She is amazing AND a south african. Go and drool. (a name)
So, for all of you that find the treasure, I will throw your names in a hat! Just make a little list from 1 to 8 and write what I want (in brackets) from you. If you don't want to play it's OK! (not all of us have time to doodle on the computer) then you have to tell me what's for dinner tonight!

Love and a kiss
ps... still keeping count of the show and tell book!! Very diligently!
1. andrea wiebe
2. cd muckosky
3. birthday with out pressure
4. elizabeth
5. maggie holmes
6. maria grace abuzman
7. love and the importance of it in our lives
8. maryna
9. one night with the king
10. candice greenway
loved all the info thank-you
Le Anne Bull
1.andrea wiebe
2.c.d muckosky
3.birthdays without pressure
4.elizabeth dillow
5.maggie holmes
6.maria grace abuzman
7.Love in our lives
9.one night with the king
10.candice greenway
we are having Pizza for dinner.
lent has already started.
Have a great week-end Wilna.
Fran Heupel
1.Andrea Wiebe
2.CD muckosky
3.Birthdays Without Pressure
4.Elizabeth Dillow
5.Maggie Holmes
6.Maria Grace Abuzman
7.Agape Love
9.One Night With The King
10.Candice Greenway
And tonight for supper is American Chop Suey! Not exciting to most - but it's comfort food from my childhood!
1. Andrea Wiebe
2. CD Muckosky
3. Birthdays without pressure
4. Elizabeth Dillow
5. Maggie Holmes
6. Maria Grace Abuzman
7. Love (one of my favorites!)
8. Maryna
9. One night with the king (gotta see this!)
10. Candace Greenway
Homemade pizza for us! Have a great day Wilna! Thanks for the treasure hunt! Kim
the websites are very tempting,
but with {pears & ice-cream} for supper, {still 30 degress C at 7pm)I guess it would be unwise to dally.
PS my 2 year old son is on my lap & wants to DRAW.
I say 'bathtime', he says ' no thanx'. Huh?
1) Andrea Wiebe
2) CD Muckosky
3) Birthdays without pressure
4) Elizabeth Dillow
5) Maggies beautiful page
6) Maria Grace Abusman
7) Love
8) Maryna
9) One night with the King (Been asking for it for months but they say we only getting it end of the year)
10) Candice Greenway
Kids had pies and DH and I went out for supper.
Love ya lotsa jellytots
andrea Wiebe
C.D. Muckosky
Birthdays Without Pressure
Elizabeth Dillow
Maggie Holmes
Maria Grace abuzman
1 Corinthians 13- unconditional pure love
One Night With the King
Candice Greenway
loving your blog...and also that you freely share your love of Christ--it shines through!
Ok, I had a lot of fun with this...kinda of a slow day, so this was great!
1. Andrea Wiebe (love that Bloom page)
2. C.D. Muckowsky (wow - nice stuff)
3. wwww.birthdayswithoutpressure.org (thankfully I always try to keep my bdays simple haha!)
4. Elizabeth Dillow (beautiful girls she has!)
5. Maggie (I liked that)
6. Maria Grace Aburzman (when you grow up eh?)
7. L O V E (love those verses!)
8. Maryna (hehe, well I couldn't even leave a message without signing up, so apparently now I have a blog...but it's empty...so yea...thanks a lot Wilna :P :P :P)
9. One Night With The King (I wanna see that)
10. Candice Greenway (very nice!)
Supper tonight? Hmmmm, no idea...I guess I have 5hrs to come up with something...
Lisa Stead
Hi Wilna
You do know that it would be easy to copy one of the girls that have done all the hard work, but I know that would be cheating and not fair.
So for supper we had Fish and pasta with vegetables. I am Catholic and we are celebrating Lent which is 40 days before Easter and we at home do not have meat on Friday's during this period.
Your Blog is so much fun.
1. Andrea Wiebe
2. C.D. Muckosky
3. Birthdays Without Pressure
4. Elizabeth Dillow (she's on my blog bookmarks as well!)
5. Maggie Holmes
6. Mary Grace
7. Love for God never fails and if we LOVE everyday we will be fulfilled.
My interpratation.........
8. Maryna
9.One Night with the King
10. Candice Greenway
Krud! I think Blogger just ate my response! Ok here we go again! -
. This girl got a Canadian scrapbook toot!! Huge congrats girl!! (Andrea Wiebe)
2. Read this article and be wowed! I mean, just WOW! (CD Muckosky)
3. When I saw this website I breathed a deep relieved sigh. (Birthdays without Pressure)
4. This woman's writing is exceptional and one of my favorite blogs to visit. (Elizabeth Dillow)
5. Look at this simple and beautiful page and tell her that!! (Maggie)
6. When I grow up I want to have a blog like her. (Maria Grace Abuzman)
7. This will ease your mind today! (love)
8. Tell my best friend to blog more! hee-hee! (Maryna)
9. I am watching this movie while working and it's brilliant! (One Night With the King)
10. She is amazing AND a south african. Go and drool. (Candace Greenway)
And for dinner, we are having Chicken Soup with Mini Meatballs, aka Italian Wedding Soup - a recipe from the Kraft Food Magazine. I'll let you know if it's good!
1. Andrea Wiebe
2. C.D. Muckosky
3. Birthdays Without Pressure
4. Elisabeth Dillow
5. Maggie Holmes
6. Maria Grace Abuzman
7. Love(the underpinning)
8. Marnya
9. One Night With the King
10. Canice Greenway
Supper Stew Mmmmmm best the second day!
1. Andrea Wiebe
2. C.D. Muckosky
3. Birthdays Without Pressure
4. Elizabeth Dillow
5. Maggie Holmes
6. Maria Grace Abuzman
7. Love
8. Maryna
9. One Night With The King
10. Candice Greenway
Dinner- I haven't given it much thought. I think I will let dh take me out.
1. Andrea Wiebe
2. C.D. Muckosky
3. Birthdays Without Pressure
4. Elizabeth Dillow
5. Maggie Holmes
6. Maria Grace Abuzman
7. Love
8. Maryna
9. "One Night with the King"
10. Candice Greenway
As for dinner, something meatless, as we are Catholic and it's Lent.
Have a great weekend!
1) Andrea Wiebe
2) CD Muckosky
3) birthday's without pressure
4) Elizabeth Dillow
5) Maggie Aslett
6) Maria Grace Abuzman
7) 1 Corinthians 13 - the LOVE chapter
8) Maryna
9) One Night with the king - gonna have to go and find this one!
10) Candice Greenway - love the {cat}attitude layout!
you certainly found things for me to drool over!
1. Andrea Wiebe ;)
2. C.D. Muckosky...so fun to look at all her work!
3. Birthdays without Pressure...yeah :)
4. Elizabeth Dillow...what a sweet little girl she has, and i agree a great writer!
5. Maggie Holmes...gorgeous work!
6. Maria Grace Abuzman...so going back there later!!!
7. It's all about LOVE!
8. Maryna...i tried to leave a message but my request could not be *processed*...i'll try later :)
9. One Night with The King...looks like an amazing movie!
10. Candice Greenway...her work is incredible and i love Edward!
This was so much fun...as for dinner, not sure yet...gotta go shopping :) Have a beautiful day!
Okay, so I really was going to try the scavanger hunt and I will try again later...but just in case I don't, for dinner tonight we are having Stroganof Casserole (w/veggie crumbles in place of the meat!) out of the crock pot. Nothing too fancy, but it will hit the spot as we cozy in for the weekend.
Have a good one!
1. Andrea Wiebe
2. C.D. Muckosky
3. Birthdays without Pressure
4. Elizabeth Dillow
5. Maggie
6. Maria Grace Abuzman
7. 1 Corinthians 13- what true LOVE looks like
8. Maryna
9. One Night With the King
10. Candice Greenway
I...am just plain lazy...though I did follow your treasure hunt - loved visiting those sites...dinner tonight is my homemade spaghetti which I must brag on...even my dear father-in-law tells his Italian friends I make the very best :)
I'm also lazy ..and I shouldn't because my DH and sons have gone camping leaving me home alone! Dinner tonight is prawns in filo pastry and salad - because they don't like it and I do. What will I do with my time? Have a nap, read a book, finish a couple of CJ entries, have some wine, eat my dinner, eat some chocolate, read my book ...... in other words whatever I want to do. Yes, I will miss them very much but I think it's good for the boys to go camping with their dad and they're only gone for one night
I loved the "Treasure Hunt"!!!!
1. Andrea Wiebe
2. C.D. Muckosky
3. Birthdays without Pressure
4. Elizabeth Dillow
5. Maggie
6. Maria Grace Abuzman
7. Love (I Corinthians 13)
8. Maryna
9. One Night With the King
10. Candice Greenway
For dinner tonight??? Ohh... something light and fesh (is so hot in here!!!!!) Maybe a salad and a lot of ice tea... and ice cream for dessert!!!
1. Andrea Wiebe
2. CD Muckosky.
3. Birthdays Without Pressure
4. Elizabeth Dillow
5. Maggie Holmes
6. Marie Grace Abuzman
7. God's UnConditional Love
8. Maryna
9. One Night With the King (which I am now going to have to find and watch!)
10. Candice Greenway
Dinner?? Not exciting cause hubby is working so the girls and I had Nachos and Chees with Salsa and Sour Cream..
I wish I hadn't been so busy this morning. I'm just now getting here today. Bummer. I LOVE scavenger hunts - even if they drive me nuts, I can't help but have fun.
Hope your weekend will be great!
-andrea g.
crud. I forgot to answer the dinner question. I don't even want to talk about that right now. :(
-andrea g.
hiya Wilna
Its already the 24th! We had a divine dinner at a cousins wedding last night! All the trimmings it was BEAUTIFUL - saw my life flash before me when a car hit a traffic island and flew past my window on the way to the wedding! I beleive the angels held it back! It's wheels were less than a cm from my window! Random fact about me - I have faith and I believe in the angels that protect us and go forth and lead our way - my parking angel in my favourite! Will leave a note for your very best friend - photo shoots this morning so no time for all the treasure! Have fun Claire
This is fun but I am not even half way through and it is 1:15 a.m. and I am so tired that I feel ill. I must go to bed but I will try tomorrow :)
Oh and theres still time for a RAK on my blog, I will pick tomorrow :) come play everyone!
1. Andrea Wiebe
2. C.D. Muckosky
3. www.birthday@umn.edu-which I give a BIG amen to!
4. Elizabeth Dillow
5. Maggie
6. Maria Grace Abuzman
7. love
8. Maryna
9. One night w/the King
10. Candice Greenway
I had a fresh veggie and hummus sandwich with extra hummus , no onion for dinner. I work at Archiver's and didn't get a break until 9:30 tonight (actually it's probably tomorrow by now).
1) Andrea Wiebe
2) C.D. Muckosky
3) Birthdays Without Pressure
4) Elizabeth Dillow
5) Maggie Holmes
6) Maria Grace Abuzman
7) LOVE! Praise the Lord that He loves us! =D
8) Mayrna
9) One Night With The King
10) Candice Greenway
Fun Wilna!
1. Andrea Weibe
2. C.D Muckosky
3. Brithdays Without Pressure
4. Elizabeth Dillow
5. Maggie - comment left
6. MaryGrace
7. Love/faith
8. Maryna (comment left)
9. One Night with the King
10. Candice Greenway
Tonight for supper - lasagna and garlic bread with cheese:)
That was fun Wilna!!!
Hello Wilna,
if I did answer the webite question, I see only number 1-8 were needed?
Anyhow today was a whole day of 'birthday without pressure' for us.
It was so LEKKER (brilliant), we celebreated a 40th (sshh..) with hot dogs, ice-cream, choc chip cookies & scalextrix racing.
It was very relaxed and no-one wanted to leave - dads & boys played cricket in our driveway instead of going home.
Great friends are treasures.
So proud of my Hubby.
Hi! Dinner was very good! (the Italian Wedding Soup) Go look the recipe up on the Kraft site - it was good enough to make again. I tought my first class in a long time today! I really enjoyed it. I only had 2 people - but it's a start. Hope everyone else had a good day!
1. Andrea Wiebe
2. C.D. Muckosky
3.Birthdays without pressure
4.Elizabeth Dillow
5. Maggie Holmes
6.Maria Grace Abuzan
7.Love (my Dad read most of this scripture at our wedding)
9.One Night with the King
10.Candice Greenway
That was fun and I found some great websites! Thanks!!
Hey! I didn't know if I was suppose to leave you a comment today since this is yesterday's post. We here in WI are getting up to 14 inches of snow tonight. I can't wait to spread out my stuff tomorrow and create!
Good Morning!
It's Sunday & we've just received a new kids 'Hillsong CD - Supernatural.'
Have a lekker(happy) day
Hi Wilna
Looks like fun. For supper tonight is - I don't know yet. We usually grab something at church after the service. They have this awesome 'canteen' where they serve yummy food like breyani or hawaiian chicken stirfry and hot dogs, choc croissants and muffins. Yum - on a hot day like this no one feels like cooking.
It is Sunday 25 Feb and it is hot and dry here. Praying for rain. We had SA Braai for lunch. C U l8r.
1. Andrea Wiebe
2. C.D. Muckosky
3. Birthdays Without Pressure
4. Elizabeth Dillow
5. Maggie Holmes (comment left)
6. Maria Grace Abuzan
8. Maryna (comment left)
9. One Night with the King
10.Candice Greenway
This was quite fun, thanks for the hunt, loved it all...
As for dinner, not too sure yet...
Hi Wilna
Just clarify are we suppose to leave you a message everyday regardsless if you have not left us a new post.
Hiya Wilna its the 25th - random fact about me! I pray for understanding of my relationship with my mother! It is not a good one and I always get hurt but surely she does too? Hope you had a GREAT weekend I set up a home studio and have the most magnificent shots of my children NOW I CAN SCRAP! Love ya - claire
LOVED IT LOVED IT LOVED IT!! Thank you so much for all my coments! she's right i did scream.. almost thought i'd opened the wrong blog.. ok, ok, i'll blog more, wilna.. love ya
wilna...we just watched one night with the king...and it was wonderful! truly loved it!
wish i knew what was for dinner :) morning sickness and thinking of food don't go hand in hand :)
Hi Wilna - hope you are having an awesome Sunday :) God bless!
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