Back to this book.

* It's totally incredible (to me) that one man can make such a difference in one life time. It's totally awe-inspiring. WOW.
* We all have to read this to know for sure that most people are good even when a small portion amongst them are harmful.
* I recognize that even if I am not in any way capable to make such a difference right now, I have the continued responsibility to learn: about peoples, their cultures, their hopes and dreams. This book is an encyclopedia/ wealth of knowledge.
* the book is fascinating, a page turner. I. cannot. put. it. down.
If there is one book that you should read in this time of political instability, it's 3Cups of Tea.
Then, I am totally compelled and sickened by the outbreak of cholera in Zimbabwe. Almost 1500 people dead (that they know of) and as many as 30 000 sick. This is so totally in-excusable. Cholera is something that could and should have been prevented. If any one in South Africa personally know an organization that's involved in helping (even on the SA Side) .... please email me.

I started reading Joel Rosenberg's blog almost a year ago and I find it to be rich in information from all over the place, and his knowledge and insight has been a blessing to me. I can spend a lot of time over there reading each and every link.
I really believe that in the time we are living right now we all should know more. It's not ok any more to say I don't know. I know a lot of people (especially Christians) say that watching news is negative and I could not agree more. That's why I have CNN and BBC as tabs on my Mac and visit them often during the day. That way I don't have to read/watch/listen to main stream negative news but that which is important is at my finger tips. Wikipedia has also been a great source for me to learn for example the difference between Sunni and Shia. I don't know nearly enough. Sometimes I wish I had more hours in the day.
I am trapped between 2008 and 2009. I am currently praying for some direction for 2009. I want my life to matter. My word for 2009 is PURPOSE. But not in a sense of ... what is my purpose? Purpose like in Phil 3:10. [For my determined purpose is] that I may know Him [that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly], and that I may in that same way come to know the power outflowing from His resurrection [which it exerts over believers], and that I may so share His sufferings as to be continually transformed [in spirit into His likeness even] to His death...
I will talk more about purpose in a future post.
So... my prompts for you today is:
*PRAY about 2009 for you and your family.
*READ 3 cups of Tea and be in awe.
*THINK about your word for 2009.
*EDUCATE your self continually on world events.
Love and a kiss

#20 Michelle Ramsay
#30 Boo 11:24 PM
I look forward to reading this book so thanks for sharing! Happy New Year to you! ;)
Knowing that we are at the end of Biblical time you would think that people would like to help eachother out.... My brother-in-law left for the war he is a hellicopter pilot for the Army, and my husband is also in the Army he is at home (thank God) I do keep myself well educated with world events, because it effects all of us........ God Bless and Happy New Years.
Oh wow, I can't believe I came out of the draw - thank you so much.
Your blog is very inspiring and I enjoy reading it (even if I don't always leave comments!!)
I can't seem to find your e-mail address - here is mine, please could you mail me and I will send you my address (
Thanks again and all the best for a great 2009.
Awesome post Wilna. I really appreciate you speaking out.
The cholera is crazy, and to think Mugabe calls it 'chemical' warfare...
Zimbabweans are dying en masse of starvation.
Thankyou - for Joel's blog.
Thankyou - for the purpose verse.
I am considering GRACE as my word for 2009.This week inbetween Christmas & New Year is my favourite- LOVE setting the hopes & plans for the fresh days ahead.
hugs to you.
mailed you on your gmail addy.
Thank you for this very positive Word today! Needed that. We are in full time ministry at a mission that cares for the poor and destitute...some times we get so caught up in working for Him that we do not spend enough time with Him...I have to get more focused this year.
Bless you Wilna.
what a wonderful verse to start 2009 with!! i too read joel rosenberg's blog and recieve his flash traffic emails! i truely believe he has his finger on the pulse of what is going on!
praying for the peace of jerusalem and i'll also be praying for those in zimbabwe!
may the LORD richley bless you with a deeper knowledge of him in 2009!
julie w.
oh, and i just ordered the book.
thanks for suggesting it!:D
I am so glad that God is in control...especially with each passing year. What peace and assurance we can have even in the midst of such uncertainty and chaos that is so prevalent. I wish you much peace and direction and Purpose in 2009. Love to you and your family, Wilna!
Thank you for your inspiration and for the time you take to put it in written words.
What a great surprise. Just checked in to yoursite for some inspiration and words of strength and saw I had been one of the 2 winners. Congrats to Michelle Ramsay as well.
Thanks SO much Wilna. Looking forward to receiving it in the mail. Just sent my address to you.
Have a Happy New year and thank you for your inspiration and words of courage and strength throughout this past year for us all. You won't believe the difference it makes some days.
Much Love
my heart and thoughts are with my family and friends in Israel. I pray for the young soldiers in the front. If I to choose a word for 2009, I would choose SHALOM (peace!)
Happy new year!
I have that book on "reserve" at the local library...I look forward to reading it. Have you read "Winter in Kandahar"?
we have that book, my husband read it, I did not yet, but now think even more so that I should find the time to do so. thanks for sharing
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