I am still so loving the creative process. Let me give you an point bullet update of what's happenning in my life...so that you can understand why my blog has taken a back seat...
1. My husband and another good friend are opening a Walk in Clinic in Superstore on September 1st. So i have been designing prescriptions and medical notes templates. As well as decor and all those little things that men usually don't thing off.
2. We bought a truck load of things at IKEA a weekend or so ago for the said medical clinic as well as for our school room.
3. I have been assembling the stuff form the school room and generally gave our school room a make over. One that will pretty much stay like this for ever amen. I also bought all the books for the year (2010/2011) and we have been pulling out tests and organizing them. I am planning a photo shoot for my new school room and cant wait to show all the little things.
4. We have been assembling our stuff for the clinic. Actually we have had lots of fun (and wine) while doing so.
5. I have been exercising. Or trying to.
6. I read Ken Follet's Pillars of the earth. it's a 1000 pages so that kept me blissfully occupied for a while.
7. It's my brother's birthday today!
8. Jana discovered Skype. I am still not sure how to handle the situation! (not that THAT will keep me from blogging)
9. I rediscovered the VLOGBROTHERS on youtube and have been thoroughly entertained. Especially this one. Talk about brilliant!
10. And last but not least i read "Monster" by Johnathan Kellerman. Not because I wanted to but I had to. See, we bought this book from Coles... it was one of the Bourne sequels and when i opened it up this other book was inside the cover! Obviously the wrong insides was placed in the wrong covers. So I read it (because i so love reading) and it was entertaining but not overly great.
and THAT my friends is what I have been up to the last week or two. + I have been meditating the following...

Some GOOD news for you today from the Mirror Translation (now available on e-sword too) James 1:12 Blessed is the man who does not lose his footing when temptation strikes; he is crowned the victor; his life proves the currency and character of his design (Greek, birth.) This is the Lord’s pledge for those who love Him. (Love inspires faith.) and 1:17 Without exception God’s gifts are only good, its perfection cannot be improved upon, they come from above, (where we originate from, Jn.3:13) proceeding like light rays from its source, the Father of lights. With whom there is no distortion, or even a shadow of shifting to obstruct or intercept the light; no hint of a hidden agenda.
Shalom! (which means: to reverse a loss inflicted by carelessness)

giirrrrrrrrllll, GORGEOUS, INSPIRING projects!!!!!!!! love them!
Very creative - I am now following you.
Hey wilnaq
Love, love these projects!
and love you!
Life gets on top of ya sometimes eh?? I can relate to number 5, lol. Just had to pop in a message to say I love your style, your designs are really beautiful :)
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