i would be teaching this class. I love these little mini-mini (4x6 inches) albums. one, becuase all your stash get used up. all those odd stickers and ribbons and even the odd piece of paper. two, you get to use your off cut paper and three, it's a quick and creative gift.
WHOOOO-HOOOOOOOOO let the games begin on Monday. my project was just sent over.
have a GREAT weekend. And this weekend is a good time to help me get the word out that on
i need you. i need your vote. i need your help. :)
love and a kiss
You don't need luck; you've got talent!! I'll see you in the winner's circle!
Hi Wilna. Die klein scrapboekies is beautiful. Hoe groot is 4x6? Is dit 4x6 cm? Maak jy die covers soos mini albums? Wat is dit wat jy gebruik as ringetjies en hoe maak jy die gaatjies?
Love ya
Lovin' these lil' albums......so cute!! Goodluck monday, I will be checking it out......can't wait this is so exciting!!
Great little albums, waiting to cast my vote...wish it was Monday!!
hi my friend!! love the little albums!! i still remember the trail and error phase of little albums, and just check you out now!! LOVED Jaco's interview!! aspecially the no limit on the budget part.. don't you think you need some new insperation from far away over the sea...? miss you all.
hi my friend!! love the little albums!! i still remember the trail and error phase of little albums, and just check you out now!! LOVED Jaco's interview!! aspecially the no limit on the budget part.. don't you think you need some new insperation from far away over the sea...? miss you all.
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