i met with my "local"(ok saskatoon is my local) scrapbook store (LSS) owner, RALNA yesterday, and i am SO excited to say that i will be teaching a class at JUST SCRAP IT in saskatoon on Nov 3/4. i am so thrilled! it's been such a long time since i taught scrapbooking! far too long. and we are going to do something real simple but GREAT! thank you
INGRID for your lovely letter today. i really appreciate it so much. GREAT to hear from you and i will write back soon... i had a little cold this weekend and now (10:18pm MST) i am feeling the best in 3 days. thanking echinacea and vit c (and God of course) that it didn't go further and that my recovery is fast. i tell you... that combination works.
just if you wondered, my birthday is is in June and back then a few peas made me some cards that i only received a while ago and i am posting them now. i still have one left to do and will post it in the next day or so (you see, my scanner is not yet connected to my new apple). i got ADOBE elements for mac on friday but i first have to finish my commission and THEN i will play. Question: why do we always wait till the last moment before we do stuff. Answer: i wish i knew.

i got 3 CD's yesterday at parables. the first one is my fav and i posted about them yesterday:
Leeland. WOW, awesome music. the i also LOVED
Chris Tomlin. really great and uplifting. one of my favorite songs ever is OMD's
Forever live and die and i think with Leeland that sound is captured for me. Ok, enough ramblings for one night. good night with my personal favorite scripture out of Habakkuk3:19 (amplified)
The Lord God is my Strength, my personal bravery, and my invincible army; He makes my feet like hinds' feet and will make me to walk [not to stand still in terror, but to walk] and make [spiritual] progress upon my high places [of trouble, suffering, or responsibility]!love and a kiss
1 comment :
Sweet dreams, Wilna -- tonight and for your future!
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