i have to show off this gorgeous picture. the last few days have been hectic. Exhilarating, but busy. I am almost done with my projects. only the final assemble of the centerpiece. i tell you, i looked at the stuff and i asked myself where did THIS come from? i love it. it's sweet and glittery and different. and i can not WAIT to share with you. i really had a brilliant idea for one of the projects but i have to wait and see how it will come together. i feel like a kid with a toy. i can tell you this: it involves a drill! LOL!!
I am a little swamped with work at the moment, but i am not complaining. i have at least 4 OTHER projects and stuff waiting for me. but i can not WAIT to get to them. i am SO APPRECIATIVE of my mom and dad here and the cooking that is out of my hands for the moment. thankful, thankful. they are really a big blessing in this house at the moment.
AMY!! please send me that email again. it just seemed to disappear into the big cyber blue today. i have a thought for today. just sometimes when the world seems a little overwhelming and i feel especially small, God reminds me of 2 Cor 12 9But He said to me, My grace (My favor and loving-kindness and mercy) is enough for you [sufficient against any danger and enables you to bear the trouble manfully]; for My strength and power are made perfect (fulfilled and completed) and [a]show themselves most effective in [your] weakness. Therefore, I will all the more gladly glory in my weaknesses and infirmities, that the strength and power of Christ (the Messiah) may rest (yes, may [b]pitch a tent over and dwell) upon me!
love and a kiss
Good morning my friend. Loved your scripture today. Hope you have lotsa SANDWICHES for the next 3 months because after that you will only have your own to eat again. Love ya
Your girls are so gorgeous ... Love the photo with the white shirts against that beautiful background
love Jowilna
I can't WAIT to see your project for IDOL!!! Glitter and a drill???? TOO COOL! That pic is just fab...what were the settings on the camera you used? Thanks for the bible verse. I really needed to hear that today.
I sent you another email. Please let me know if you got it!
love that pic. perfect colours. So to love the scripture. always a blessing to be reminded of God's grace. peace to you :)
Hi Wilna,
What a beautiful picture of your daughters. I love the fall also and the pictures are always so colorful. Can't wait to see your creations.
Fran Heupel
Oh, Wilna, that pic of the 3 girls is just beautiful. I can so relate with you having your mom there, they are a big HELP, my Mom and Dad don't stay close to me, but I love it when they come to stay, always a big help for me, and I can scrap a bit more.
So looking forward to seeing your party favours, as one would call it...Glittzy sounds good!!! The drill??? now that sounds weird...
Until Monday when it is voting time again...cannot wait.
Enjoy your weekend, I have a birthday Scrapbooking party tomorrow afternoon, as so looking forward to it. Yay for me!!!
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