I made this page for
Creating Keepsakes' February issue. We don't celebrate Valentine as such. But this year I have been working on hearts and valentine projects and so it kind of became a "thing". I even got

Jaku some chocolates. So, last night we watched a movie (see previous post) and at 12:30 he came into my scrapbook room and gave me this adorable bear. I LOVE teddy bears. That's one of my favorite things to buy for my girl friends as people sometimes think if you are older than 10 you are disqualified to have a bear. I am calling him "Valentine". Can you guess why?

So, because today is Valentine, I created something heart-felt and want to email a copy to everyone who leaves me a comment! It's a rather large file (4MB), but it will fill your day with hearts!! You can also make a page like this one above with it. Or some Valentine cards! The best way is to print it out on white Brazill Basic card stock and viola! you have your own water colored hearts.
So, leave me a comment with your email, and I will email it out to you! Tell me what you are doing on this pink and red day! Please don't sell these and all I ask if you use them, is to credit me accordingly!

Thanks for all the comments yesterday! You are all "written up" and I will keep track of my most faithful blog readers!!
The MM IDOL contest is coming to a close! I wrote a
blogpost for the IDOL blog telling you a little about my journey and just how big this thing was for me. Go and have a look!
I have a RAK going over there too! I made 6 Valentines cards with the new MM valentine paper as well as some water color hearts and I am giving them away to 6 readers! So go and leave me a comment over there too. AND ENTER! And if you leave a comment on the
Making Memories blog, you can win some of their amazing valentine stuff! Making Memories are really spoiling ya'll! I really love MM!. {and yes, MM can stand for Matthew McFadden (Mr Darcy) and Martin Maritz (my brother)}
Happy Valentine!!

ps.. And remember my "Show and Tell" rak for
the most faithful blog reader from yesterday's post!

Patty emailed me this picture of where she is putting her hearts!
Thanks patty! I would love to see what you girls can make with them! You must start creating... I think I am going to do
another RAK soon to encourage you to show me your pages/cards/ projects with these hearts. You can upload them to your 2 peas/CK galleries and link them here on FRIDAY !
If you print them out...the squares is about 5x5 cm (just under 2")
Hello Wilna
It's me again! Love the new hearts - and what am I doing now - going to have dinner with special family and friends as soon as my MM Idols entry is in! Enjoy your day! Claire
Very pretty hearts and very cute bear! I used to collect Boyd's Bears - before I started scrapping. Now all my extra $$ goes to that - which is fine by me!
my email is - mdotten@yahoo.com
ooooooooooooooooohhhh. I love the hearts page. really cool. are we still doing the random fact each day? I'm so confused. Even though you don't "celebrate" valentine's very much, I'm gonna wish you a great one anyway. Happy Valentine's! Thanks so much for enriching our lives with your talent and good thoughts!
-andrea g.
Yesterday morning my husband had some extra time between classes and took my to the local French bakery for a treat! I expressed an interest in one day finding the molds to make madeleines in our own kitchen...so last night he spent nearly 3 hours tracking them down!!! He came later than I expected (I had no idea what he was up to!) and just couldn't wait to give me my early Valentine's gift. Needless to say, I'm thrilled! So, today I will make him des madeleines and present him with the sketchbook he's not-so secretly dreaming of. Friday we plan to leave the baby with my sister and go dancing. This will be the first year we get to spend so much energy on romance!
Oh Wilna - such a cute bear!
I'll have to make a note of you liking bears!!!
I'd LOVE your HEARTS and would LOVE the file!
We are having a quiet evening at home tonight as its just too COLD to think of going to the city!
I would love your newest artwork. I love the one you did for the class....it printed out so beautifully.
What a perfect name for your bear :) Have a very happy day...if you get a chance take a peek at a special valentine i made on my blog...
I'm giving you my dh's email address as mine can't *handle* too much!!!
Thanks Wilna...blessings to you!
So cute Wilna! Lucky Valentyn gets to sit and watch all the creative goings on in your studio! I would love to receive a copy of the hearts page!
Would truly appreciate being able to print and use your beautiful hearts on cards for friends. Thank you for sharing them.
Staying home and keeping warm today, cold and snowy outside.
Happy Valentines Day to you and yours!
Hi there my friend. Please may I also have your hearts??? I used the others to make a card and yes, Arthur knows "Wilna" made the hearts. I love telling people about you and what you do and about the stuff you share. I got the most beautiful fluffy "Eehor"(not sure about spelling) from my DH. Will post him sometime soon on my blog.
Oh, love that LO in CK, I have looked at it a million times to figure out how to make it :)
Happy v-day! Today dh and I are spending our day in the Zoo with our son (1 year old) and then just be together all day :)
Oh yeah - and I got the most beautiful flowers too!
Karen lindsepigen@gmail.com
Hi Wilna! I looooove the hearts - they're so beautiful!
my email address is patosa@ptd.net
thanks for sharing...I'll probably print them out and hang them on my bulletin board for some 'eye candy'!!! Patty :-)
Those are some amazing hearts...your creativity is inspiring. Thanks!
Hi Wilna! I would love youe hearts as I need to make a couple of cards today. I dh and i already exchanged cards then we are going for dinner tonight. I bought tickets for us to see Meatloaf in concert (Mar. 2nd) as he really wanted to go then he bought tickets to see Rod Stewart the following week - as I really wanted to go! It's all about compromise!! :)
My email is shannon@dccnet.com
Love your newest hearts Wilna! Your cards over at MM's site are just beautiful!
Hi Wilna
Happy Valentine's Day!! We don't celebrate Valentine's day eighter... but tonight I'll do a special dinner for my family!!!Wow!!! I love your he{arts}... lol... and I would love to have them!! My e-mail: monikinh@yahoo.com
Oh I love the hearts.Here is my email addy:
Hi Wilna,
thanks for the lovely hearts.
Hope you are having a good Valentines Day and staying warm creating so many beautiful things.
How sweet of you! I wish I could say I was having a romantic day with the hubby but we have a sick kiddo so we're taking care of him today which is fine....we can always do lunch another day!!
Your hearts are adorable and I have to say your gentle nudges to enter MM are very convincing! Hoping to finish mine up in time! You are a sweetie! Happy Valentine's Day!
Nothing special today. Just trying to stay warm and keep the kids happy on a snow day! Love your hearts!!!
Just love your HEARTS page...awesome work as always.
Hubby made me a nice romantic dinner for the lovely Valentine's Day.
Glad you enjoyed yours too!!!
My wonderful husband was so sweet he sent me 18 long stemmed roses and took me out to Tzaneen Country Lodge for their Valentines Supper and it was really special. He completes me and makes my life worth living.
Hi Wilna! I've been following your work since before HOF. I'd love the pretty hearts. Today we're celebrating my twin girls' 15th birthday(s)! We do husband/wife celebrating on another day, needless to say. This will post under my daughter's account. Her name is Courtney; I'm Courtney's mom--Beth. Blessings to you! CBethandCo@aol.com
Hi Wilna! Oh how I would LOVE your pretty He{art}s page!!
Hugs -
Hi Wilna!
Thanks for the instruc. on making this work. Going to try it one more time!
As always, You're putting a great big smile on my face! :)
As for what I'm doing on this wonderful day. Waiting for the little ones to get up from there naps and then we are decorating and eating their craftily decorated heart cookies. My honey is bringing home tacos tonight and then I think we'll both take a break and just enjoy each others company!
Hope you're having a wonderful day!
Robin :)
Happy love day Wilna! Thanks for the hearts! My email is: kimbern@telus.net Also wanted to thank you for introducing me to the mm blog (I was one of the surprise winners! The favour of God I'm telling you!) Hope you have a wonderful day full of love!
:) I have a build-a-bear named Rosalind, I made her weeks after meeting my husband online, and when I made her I made a wish on the little heart they put inside her that he would be the man that I marry! (and he was!) :)
Also...I got the IKEA cards yesterday, thank you so so much! I love love love them! :)
oh...and my email... joylynn@gmail.com! :)
Hey Wilna,
Please would you send me the gorgeous hearts too. I found your blog via another blog on 2 peas and love reading it every day~ all the way from England!
Those hearts are gorgeous Wilna...I would love to receive them! What a treat!
We are going to have dinner with some friends...and then maybe just have a cozy evening with a favorite movie...hope you have a great day too!
Your work is beautiful!!! I've never been to your blog before...I'll put it in my bookmarks! :)
I love the Water colored hearts, they are so fresh and pretty! TFS!
I love the Water colored hearts, they are so fresh and pretty! TFS!
sorry forgot to leave my email ;)
Wow how generous sharing your heART with all of us. They are just gorgeous. I bought my husband 2 slabs of cadbury's mint chocolate for valentines and he just loved it. He does not like the fancy stuff. So my valentines day shopping was easy but not too interesting this year.
Hey Wilna!
I love the hearts!!
mccarthybunch@msn.com thanks in advance.
Oh, today... Is our 2nd Anniversary so we will be snuggling and enjoying couple time tonight:).... and some other things...LOL!!!!
Happy V Day!:)
All done up to here. If you posted before this and have not received your hearts, please email me!
Your talent is amazing! I would love a copy of your hearts. Been thinking more about my watercolours lately and this piece is inspiring me even more to get them out.
Your artwork is so fabulous!!! Would love nothing more than to get a copy of your hearts! Thank you for such a wonderful gift!
Count me in for a page of hearts!
You are so sweet to send out this file to those of us who "heart" your art.
We are staying in tonight on this blustery, cold evening!!! Brrrrr!
I am spending time with my DGC. We decorated the table with hearts and candles and has a red supper! I love your hearts so thank you in advance. We took photos so hope to use them on a layout!!
I am spending time with my DGC. We decorated the table with hearts and candles and has a red supper! I love your hearts so thank you in advance. We took photos so hope to use them on a layout!!
Love your hearts! Please send me a copy.
DH gave me flowers and a balloon and took me out to lunch. It's been a wonderful day.
I would love a copy!! DH and I just got back from dinner out. It's been a great day!
You have my email, I would love the hearts too :)
hope I am not to late for the yummy hearts.
OMG............love your hearts....theyre darling.
Enjoyed a delicious lunch with my hubby at my fav chinese place.
Oh my goodness, so many good things going on here! And, I'm number 48 in the posts (whoa)! So cool! Oh, gotta run, my son is blue from too much frosting on a cookie ... we all had a pretty good Valentine's dinner out (really nice).
super cool girl!
thanx so much for sharing your talent with us!
Wonderful page!
Hi Wilna,
I guess I'm not the only one with sickies in their house..lol
Love your layout and your cute Teddy! Absolutely *LOVE* your hearts too...when you've got time email me! RN4CHRIST@aol.com
Heya Wilna
It's me again and its the 15th! Another random fact about me - I have started Power Plate and am going to take the next year to get healthy and slim! Have been on a forever diet and fall off the bandwagon EVERY day! If I could give up smoking I can give up the abuse to my body! Have a GREAT DAY and thank you so much for the hearts they are gorgeous!
Thanks, Barbara
Today..uhm. Work, school, HW, Taxes...not too much fun. But the weather is not that bad compared to the folks that live in the North. =)
sent out to all you lovely ladies up to this post. If you have not gotten anything, please email me!
Happy Valentines Day
Hi Wilna,
would love a copy of the hearts..
Haai daar Wilna - jou harte is pragtig - ek gaan ouma word en wil vreeslik graag jou harte gebruik om vir my kleinding 'n Valentyn met haar eerste sonar fototjie te maak. Stay warm in Canada - spare us a thought in the heat of Tzaneen. Mooi groete charmaine@smitgarrun.co.za
Hi Wilna,
I'd love some more hearts! So as to have a collection.thankyou.
Have printed the hearts from the class on neon pink, and they really hi-lite the edges of the heart page, that I made for my granny who has cancer. I enjoy your style!
Hi Wilna
Love your hearts as always...am sure you can do amazing stuff with them as you did... would love some hearts to "frame"...
Keep up the amazing blog and work...
love jowilna
Hi Wilna
your work is so awesome! I love coming here and being inspired everyday! Liefde from your home country, and i would LOVE your hearts page!
Hi Wilna
I didn't have a very romantic valentines day - had to sick children at home - got some of my favourite chocolates though. I hope I'm not too late for the Hearts. My email is : jacquibourne@mweb.co.za
Hi Wilna...
I didnt do too much on Valentine's Day. Spent some time with my other half though, which made me very happy.
Anyway, go to run.
Hi Wilna...
I didnt do too much on Valentine's Day. Spent some time with my other half though, which made me very happy.
Anyway, go to run.
all hearts send before this post!
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