Please show me what you have done with them! Even if you are new to scrapbooking, go and open a gallery at 2peas and post them there. Or, if you have a blog or any other online gallery! Tomorrow, I will ask only those who want, to show us!! YAY! I can't wait!

I have to leave you with a thought today! I know for sure that the one thing that God wants to give us (as His gift) is peace. Several times a day, I pray and ask for peace. I read this scripture so often, i even know it by heart. So this word are for those of us eho needs peace! Col 3: 15And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts [deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds, in that peaceful state] to which as [members of Christ's] one body you were also called [to live]. And be thankful (appreciative), [giving praise to God always].
Peace to you!
Needed that verse this morning! Thanks Wilna! Have a lovely day! Kim
Well... I'm doing something with your hearts... I hope I can finish until tomorrow, lol!!
I have sixteen cards in my wallet!! Wow!! I have no idea that I have so many cards!!!
Thanks Wilna! Peace for you and for all in the world!!
I have 11 cards in my wallet...including all those membership cards for video stores, grocery stores, school/spouse id, alumni card, etc. Wow. Not sure I wanted to know how many there are! Thanks again for the hearts!!!
Good morning, here I am again :)
I think I have about 30 cards in my purse. That is way too many and I need to get rid of some for sure!
Thank you so much for the gorgeous hearts....i've got 12 cards...three of them library cards :)
wilna, (love the pride & prejudice reference)...i would love it if you would send those hearts my way. i missed yesterday - busy making valentines of our own with the kids. my email is r_walker78 (at) hotmail (dot) com. thanks!
including library card, drivers licence and a video rental card, i have 7 cards in my wallet.
I have 4 card, health card, drivers license and ONE credit card.
GREAT HEARTS and THANKS for sending - I ran out of coloured ink (have to wait until next week now!)....
I have about 5 cards....not too. bad, and I can't wait to start seeing your hearts pop up.......everywhere...have a great weekend Staci
hmmm...I have too many to count. :( driver's license, ss, health insurance, appt. cards, gym, etc., etc. Boy, I'd love to thin them down.
have a great day!!
-andrea g.
Hi Wilna! Thanks for the hearts! Very beautiful and have quite the following! :) Hope you have a wonderful day!
Hi Wilna! Wow this has been a crazy week and I'm catching up on alot of things, including your blog LOL!
I LOVE your teddy bear! I used to collect scruffy type antiquey type bears like that...yea I only made it up to 5...but still...I still love them LOL!
I LOVE the MM book! I got to see it in person! Very cool book! Great job!
Oh I have no idea how many cards are in my wallet...only 3 that I really use...then the kids health cards...hmm probably around 10 in total...
Anyways, today I'm catching up on laundry and cleaning and spices as we're leaving tomorrow so I have to PACK! Wahoo! I'm so excited haha! Mike & I don't get a lot of time just the two of us...we should really go on dates more, but we usually don't haha...I guess McD's with the kids is what we consider an outing haha!
Anyways, I hope you're having a great day!!!
Hi there. I probably have about 9. Mostly cashback cards like "clicks" and one credit card. Thanks so much for the hearts, love ya lotsa and lotsa jellytots
Thankyou for the treat -
Katy(9) and I are gonna have fun trying on our new hearts in cards & scrap pages.
Thankyou too for the peace message - we need that down south.
Have a lekker day
Hi Wilna
Stuggled to post a comment yesterday, but I did send you a e-mail so I really hope you got it.
I have 17 cards in my wallet.
Wishing you a great day.
I don't even WANT to know how many I have! Oh my!
I have 14 cards--that includes, insurance, drivers license, discount cards. I was surprised how many!
thanks for the Scripture.
Very inspiring!
I agree - easy to collect cards - I must have at least 10
Hi Wilna,
thanks so much for the hearts....may not get a chance to use them today but will sometime soon!
I have no idea how many cards I have - will have to count later and come back (I know there are heaps!)
Thank you so much for sending your beautiful hearts, they are greatly appreciated. I have five cards, got rid of the credit cards, wish I had done that sooner.
Peace to you, too! Also, I'm not completely sure about my card count, but I know it's near 15 -- just for the plastic type (paper type takes it up to ~30)! Too much stuff in there! Have a great one, Wilna!
I have so many cards. I have never even thought of this. I it laughable how many cardds I have thought. I have 34 cards! Some of them are insurance cards,movie rental cards, etc...
Too funny! Have a good day!
I didn't get an email from you Wilna - how many cards... I am afraid to look/count... all I know is my wallet doesn't close.. and it isn't cause of money.. LOL!!
Hi Wilna,
Hope you had a good day.
I also did not receive the hearts.
I'm sure you had soo many to send.
Fran heupel
Peace - oh yes! A calm and loving heart is my prayer.
yikes, i have 24 cards in my wallet..something must be done about this. thanks so much for the verse...i certainly also need that many times a day. Lynda
do you mean i'm supposed actually count cards in my wallet? :) that would be....way tooo many! :0 but if i include the loyalty cards from the LSS, 26. ick.
thanks for the scripture today!
Peek-A-Boo, here I am again. Love my hearts. Now that dh is gone, maybe I will have time to work :)
Hope your having a great day!!
Wilna -
I've stumbled upon your blog by chance. In fact I didn't know what a blog was. I won a MM raffle at a local scrapbook store and MM has been sending me regular e-mails. My interest was peeked when I saw the Idol contest and wanted to see the past winner - you! I'm amazed at all the beautiful work you've done. I too am the mom of three young ones. Three boys, five, three and 9 months. What I want to know is how you find time to raise a family and scrapbook as much as you do? I started to feel guilty that I was reading all your blogs and not introducing myself. You seem to be such a happy person and your comments and wonderful work lift my spirits every day. Thanks - I'll be in touch. I would love a copy of the beautiful hearts you created if you wouldn't mind. Nice to meet you!
Wow, I have 19 cards, way too many.
Didn't recieve my hearts, could you please resend.
Thanks, Rosemary
hey I want that book!!
just browsing :)
ok, here i am yet again, LOL, I needed a link to another blog you have here. I think you are going to realize just how much I depend on you my friend :) Love ya much!
Hiya Wilna
Its now the 16th and I am back - random fact about me - On diet AGAIN! Need to shed one too many kilos but I have a passion for chocolate and Lays lightly salted How do I survive? Cards about 15 or more - SCAREY! Have a great day - loved the hearts will use up soon! Claire
Very scary stuff, counting cards. Fabricland, Just Scrap It, Scrapbookers Paradise, Scrap Everything, doctors, dentist, library, drivers, hospital, health care. The list goes on up to 15 +. Yikes. Hope you don't ask for too many more details about purses.
OMG I have just counted and I have 16 cards, need to cut back..LOL
Check my blog for my LOs
Hi Wilna
Thanks for the hearts. I have around 15 cards in my wallet. Have a great day.
Gosh - I don't know how many I have - not anything exciting - just my license, library card, grocery store cards etc!
I'm a little late on this, but it looks like I have about 20 cards in my purse (including 5 gift cards from Christmas).
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