We went to Saskatoon Christian centre for a marriage seminar. Dr John Trent was the speaker and he is just amazing! and funny! He is really one of those people that you can listen to for a long time because you laugh so much that you don't care about the time! We had a great time learning more about the different personalities and then some awesome teaching about the blessing. And much more. I made a little mini album to take my notes in that i will show you tomorrow.
But the one thing I want to tell you is about word pictures. He taught us to "paint" word pictures about our spouse so that you can express your love with a higher value. And also, one does not forget a word picture. Like in Song of Solomon. The man uses 44 word pictures to describe the woman and she uses 23 word pictures to describe him. Then he asked us to turn to each other and paint some word pictures about each other. Afterward he asked if someone would like to share...and a lady stood up and said that her husband's wisdom reminds her about a bottomless well. Dr Trent asked for another volunteer to share. And in a room of 300 hundred people, MY husband stands up and said that my enthusiasm for life reminds him of a crop of yellow tulips where I am the only red one. The people aaaawwed. And my love bank went ping-ping-ping as the credits fell. I truly have an awesome man. And all the ladies called me red tulip. Hee-hee.
We also "won" 10 of his books! That is SO cool! We had some amazing dining at Carvers restaurant, I ate creme brulee at Calories, and we did some shopping at Winners. And yesterday after Church, we took our friends that's visiting from South Africa to Waskasui.
And today the carriage turned into a pumpkin again and I have some laundry to do. As it's a public holiday, however, I will not overtax myself.

Have a great Monday!
love and a kiss
Hi Wilna
Your man sounds as awesome as you! Glad you had such a great weekend! Ice Skated yes but I do the splits so a 30 sec wonder I am! Claire
Awwwww...Red Tulip has a ring to it I think! Sounds like you had a wonderful and meaningful time! :) So happy for you!
Hi there my friend. Only ice skated while at school until I broke my ankle and no skating/skiing of any kind since then. You are really a red tulip. May you hav an awesome day.
Yes to all four and am grateful - can't say which was best, except that I was half my age, for the last three - and a lot braver than when I ski-ed in Australia. Yeah!
What a priviledge...
"me" and "things with rollers/wheels" don't play well together. :(.
I have ice skated (in Canada no less) and roller skated a few times. The last time, I hurt my tailbone something fierce, so I don't attempt that anymore. And even though we live at the lake, I don't ski in any way, shape or form. Yikes!!
have a great day!
-andrea g.
So glad you had a great weekend! Nice picture your hubby painted! I have snow skied and roller skated. Both alot - none of the other 2! Hope to play with your hearts today! All 3 kids are home - school vacation week - so we'll see if I'm able to steal a few moments to play!
What a most beautiful thing to say...i would have been bawling! I've snow skied, rollarskated, and ice skated...but never waterskied (not the best swimmer :))!
Have a very wonderful Monday!!!
Andrea's hearts are beautiful. Have ice skated but the older I get the further away the ground seems. When I have lost some more weight, one of my goals is to do some rollerblading.
Hello red tulip girl. Jaco should be a poet. How'd he think of such a colorful thing to say? And if that wasn't amazing enough, he got up in front of a room full of 300 people to say it!! You are truly blessed! Glad you had fun but glad you are back.
I have roller and ice skated. When you're in Jr. High, roller skating is the big thing to do. 20 years later, at my niece's birthday party, I've discovered I can still roller skate but falling hurts much worse! LOL!
hi Wilna!
Your guy is soooo sweet! :-)
I haven't roller skated or ice skated since I was a little girl...I was pretty good then. I tried on roller skates at a birthday party at a skating rink ( for a friend of my daughter's) and I could barely stand up! Hahaha :-)
Imagine my grin when I log to your page and see your picture for all to see haha! What a great weekend! That totally rocked to hear Jaco say those things about you! My picture was not nearly so flattering haha...it was a bulldog...but it was because of my tenaciousness and 'never give up' attitude and 'never let go' mentality...so while it may not be as flattering as a red tulip, it's probably rather fitting given my personality haha!
As for skating....I LOVE LOVE LOVE to skate...how come I never get to go??? :( There's not much for roller skating here, but ice skating I could definitely do more of. I did do some roller blading last summer though...but ice skating is way more fun in my opinion.
I love downhill skiing! Cross-country skiing is ok too, just more work haha! I have water skied and am actually pretty good at it, but it's not my favorite thing to do, so I haven't gone for a few years. Mostly because it usses muscles that I rarely use, so the thought of being stiff & sore for a week afterwards is usually enough to persuade me not to go waterskiing haha!
Such a great weekend...my hubby was not very excited to have to go to work today haha...neither was I very excited to let him go...but yes, return to life...as I supposedly clean up this house today...
Have a great day Wilna! And yes, you are definitely that red tulip. I think no matter what field of flowers you were found in, you'd be the one that was the most unique haha! (((HUGS)))
Ohhhhh and I wanna know what books you won!!!
Hi Wilna,
Glad you had such a great week-end.
I have never ice skated or gone snow skiing.
You have such a sweet husband.
Have a wonderful day.
Fran Heupel
Sounds like a wonderful Week-end. Looking forward to your mini album.
I have Ice-skated and Roller Skated, was not good at any.
Have a great Day
Oh, and I forgot to say...I've ice skated and roller bladed, lots!
Okay - I was wrong in my post above! I have ice skated too! Took lessions and everything! Blame it on Monday morning, I missed that!
Oh my goodness.......that was so touching!!!
It sounds like it was a FABULOUS weekend for you pair.
I'm not holding my breath about being in the 50 in MMIdol but I am still proud of what I entered and its motivated me to work on more pages. Off to work at the bowling alley with Seniors today....so I won't be able to check until after 9pm tonite!
Hi there. Believe it or not, i said i will leave a msg everytime i check in to see who else left comments and what you have updated. Missing Lisa G today... Where are you?? Have a great day - we are off to bed here in SA. Love ya lotsa jellytots
Hi! I want that book!
Hi Wilna
so glad you had a great weekend. You have a special hubby - have a good day.
I'm having a blonde day - forgot to answer your question. Yes I have rollerskated and ice skated before when I was a child - would like to go skiing sometime though. Here in SA there isn't much chance of that. Although my little girl aged 6 was telling us tonight that it does get cold here and that we do get snow - tomorrow out max temp is 35°C. Hard to imagine being cold.
Sounds like a very captivating/soulful weekend Wilna!!
I have cross country skied, roller skated and ice skated although it seems like many moons ago...LOL!!
What a wonderful word picture! And I have done all of the above! Have a great day Wilna. kim
ice skating was back in my youth, as part of gym class we all had to take some sort of skating lessons. i wasn't very good - but i learnt how to tie skates! as for roller skating - well ice skating also taught me that i have NO sense of balance!
Water ski and snow ski - those were also lessons in balance - but i can say i tried!
You paint also wonderful word pictures. Thanks for sharing!
AAWWW! That is SO sweet! My hubby is sweet like that - everyone should be so blessed! - I missed your post yesterday - I checked in but you hadn't posted yet. :-(
Hey Wilna. Did you happen to go to the "His needs, Her needs" seminar? I noticed you said something about the love bank and that was one of the things they talk about in that book. My wedding flowers were all tulips. My favorite. Everyone else's were white and I had an enormous bouquet of pink ones. Thanks for emailing me the hearts.
Haven't rollerskated in a long time...but I do have a pair of skates rolling around the trunk of our car.
Hi Red Tulip!!
Wow... what a great time you had!!! So good to hear all your news!! If I snow skied/water skied/rollerskated/ice skated? No... never, well... I never done this yet, lol!!
Sounds like you had a wonderful time.
Now for the question of the day:
I have snow skied only on an artificial slope in a class (does that count?),
rollerskated many times but not for quiet a few years now.
Never have I ice skated or water skied.
Hi Wilna - its the 20th! Early I guess for MM Idols but will check in later! Random fact about me today = my house is full of color - bright yellow- orange-pink etc but when I went through mags and picked pictures I liked for a treasure map the whole house I chose was white and cream is that not weird? Have a great day - can't wait to see the awesome talent chosen today! Claire
Hi there. Me again. So now you are really going to start wondering if I stalk you. It is mroning here and you are sleeping soundly. Haven't taken up skating of any mind since yesterday. Love ya lotsa jellytots
morning all!
hope this is a scrap-happy day
Me again... just had kick boxing class - still no skating just boxing
I love ice skating and snow skiing...I have gone water skiing, but I've only gotten up once!!! And rollerskating...one of my favorites when I was little!
None of those but i love snowmobiling.
This is beautiful!!!!
Have a nice day!
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