This past weekend was wonderful. we had a mostly quiet time except for Friday evening when we had our Christmas Banquet @ the Church which is always a wonderful time.
Friday I went with our school on the kids' privilege day and i ICE SKATED!! It was so much fun! I will post a picture as soon as my friend Gen send me some pictures. I ice skated when I was 9 or 10 and now again for the first time. I prayed a LOT and I didn't fall... what fun.
Today the kids are home for the Christmas Break and I love having them here. I just do. Jaku works today for the last time until next week so we will be doing a lot of family things.

I decided that because I probably will not be around "cyberly" this week, I am going to be
giving away 2 beautiful Anna Griffin Scrapbooking kits. There is more than 50 pieces in each kit including some (my favorite) fabric embellishments. It's beautiful! And perfect for scrapbooking your Christmas pictures. Just leave me a Christmas comment! I will pick the winners no later than Friday! This picture is one I found online (there's much more stuff in the ones I have)

I am currently reading
this book... and it's in one word... absolutely amazing!! I am enjoying every word and I am so inspired.
A thought for today!
Luke 1 He will be great, be called 'Son of the Highest.' The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David; He will rule Jacob's house forever— no end, ever, to his Kingdom."
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas, Wilna, and I wish you many blessings in 2009!
Wilna, wishing you & your family PEACE & JOY for the holidays and all the BEST in 2009!!!
Thank you for the giveaway. Wishing you and your family a Blessed Christams and a Wonderful year ahead.
Merry Christmas Wilna !! I just love your blog , so inspirational and Not just for Scrapbooking !!!
This Christmas is very special to our whole extended family. My stepson has rented out a whole resort up in North Carolina for four days and invited all 58 members of our extended family (which by the way keeps extending).....it will be awesome and we're all looking forward to it....
Have a Wonderful and blessed Christ filled Christmas.
Your church party looked great. I LOVE that song. Have a wonderful and blessed Christmas with yoru sweet family.
I must get that book to read as well.
Awesome giveaway!
Oh, Wilna, you always post such coolness! I love AG papers but can never seem to find them around here...thanks for a chance to win some! Merry Christmas to you and I hope you have a great week!
Merry CHRISTmas Wilna! May you have a blessed holiday with your family. Let us all remember that Jesus IS the reason for the season!
Blessings in Christ's love,
Tammy in Michigan
Your blog is pure eye candy... full of inspiration. Hope you have a wonderful holiday season full of much love, happiness & family time! :-)
God, family, friends and fellowship! All very important parts to the holidays! Enjoy them all and have a happy, happy 2009!
I'm so glad you had a nice time at the banquet. Ice skating how much fun is that! I hope you and your beautiful family have a very blessed and Merry Christmas!
Peace to you all.
Have a beautiful day.
I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas!!
Merry Christmas Wilna! I so enjoy reading your blog!
Thanks so much for the PSD album too, I have posted to my blog if you'd like to see how I used your pages.
Many thanks, I have loved it. Happy Christmas to you and yours.
Dear Wilna,
May you be blessed with the warmth and presence of Emmanuel (God With Us) this Christmas Season! Thinking of you...grateful for you! Merry Christmas!
May the Blessings of this Holiday season be yours. Enjoy this special family time and also enjoy that book. It is truly an amazing book.
Look forward to following you in 2009
Merry Christmas Wilna! In one of the hardest years of my life, you have been a shinning place. Thank you for your openness to share yourself with others, while bring glory to Him who made you.
Wishing you and your family a really blessed Christmas and all the best for a wonderful 2009.
I love reading your blog!
(Luk 2:10) And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings, of great joy, which shall be to all people.
(Luk 2:11) For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.
Here it is Wilna; the best Christmas message I know. : ) May you and your family be blessed as we celebrate the birth of our Savior! -Alisa
I have been wanting to read that book... great to hear it's worth the wait (I have it on wait lists at library and paperbackswap.com).
Merry Christmas to you and yours! Hope it's blessed in that special way!
Merry Christmas. I hope you get that special time with your family to take in this glorious holiday.
Merry Christmas to you and your lovely family! Enjoy this great time with them and all my best wishes for 2009!
Stéphanie xxoo
merry christmas and a great new year!
see u next year.
p.s. great giveaway btw, loving those colors from anna grif
lynda in calif
Just linked to your blog off of MM! That kit looks fun! I love all those bright colors, just my style!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
I love the Lo's, and I am glad that you enjoyed your Christmas party..... This is the first Christmas that we get Ili (Stepdaughter) we are so happy, first time that we are close to family...... I have been so blessed this year, and I hope that everyone has received even more blessings........ 2009 is going to be even better I wish you and your family nothing but the best and let you know that you are in my prayers....... MERRY CHRISTMAS
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours!!!!
Merry Christmas you guys :)
P.S I have that book sitting on my bedside table.You've just inspired me to start reading it tonight :)
Merriest of Christmases to you and your family and may 2009 be blessed and full of joy. Thank you for your inspiration and words of strength in 2008, you have no idea how much they have helped some days.
With love
Merry Christmas, i love your blog!!
Saludos desdes México.
Merry Christmas Wilna and family, here is wishing you all the best over this wonderful festive season, may God bless your family and hope all your dreams come true in 2009.
I just found your blog and love your ideas. Merry Christmas from a total stranger! Lyn
Merry Christmas to you and your family. I found your blog a month or so ago, and love the Bible verses you use. It's wonderful to find someone who shares their relationship with Jesus Christ.
I agree, Greg Mortenson's book, Three Cups of Tea is so inspiring. It reads like the best fiction book you have ever read, can't put it down, but it is a true story. So inspiring. If you have money to donate to an incredibly worthy cause, his is one to give money to, they will make such good use of it. Merry Christmas to you and thanks for sharing your life with us.
One of my clients told me about this book! I have heard it is absolutely amazing, I'm glad to hear that you are enjoying it!
Merry Christmas.
Happy christmas Wilna! Enjoy your time with the family!
Merry Christmas...
love your blog. I too love that book Three Cups of Tea. Have you read Eat Pray Love? Or Wide Awake? or How Starbucks Saved my Life? You might like those too. Thank you for all the great ideas.
Merry Christmas Wilna! Enjoy your holidays with your gorgeous girls and your hubby!
Happy Holidays and New Year.
Merry Christmas to you and your family. The picture of your beautiful girls is just so sweet and spontaneous. Have a peaceful holiday.
love the pink & green Christmas stuff! very cute. pick me & maybe I will get all of my Christmas pix done this year!!!!
Merry Chrstmas Wilna, I don't know why my comment didn't show up the first time I posted but I see you haven't posted a winner et so I will try again. I just love the Anna Griffin Christmas line.
Merry CHRISTmas!! Happy Birthday to CHRIST our KING. Wilna you are a blessing to all who read your blog ... thank you for sharing your heart with all.
How Beautiful you all look! I hope you and your family had a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year filled with love inspiration and faith. Thank you for the Giveaway...Hugs Grace
Wishing a great Christmas day, everyday, for everyone. Thank you for all the generosity I see on your blog.
Kindness and gifts
this fine season sends
But the most blessed things
are family and friends.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Hopefully my card got there! I can't wait to see what classes you have in 2009!
That Anna Griffin kit is beautiful, I haven't seen that before!
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