Friday, January 23, 2009

hearts matter.

This wooden heart was given to me by very special friends while we visited South Africa in 2007. And today I found the perfect place for it... is this not beautiful?

It reminds me of Prov 4: 23-27 Keep vigilant watch over your heart; that's where life starts. Don't talk out of both sides of your mouth; avoid careless banter, white lies, and gossip. Keep your eyes straight ahead; ignore all sideshow distractions. Watch your step, and the road will stretch out smooth before you. Look neither right nor left; leave evil in the dust.

This weekend I am taking a bit of time off from cyber space. The next few weeks are going to be intense... so I am taking a deep breath before diving in next week... Kayla Aimee will be setting up the class room and I will then start doing all the posts + pictures + instructions. Believe it or not but that part is more work than making the projects. But I still love to do every bit of the work. So that you can enjoy every bit of the class!

I am going to be a little lenient for the drawing of the 2 RAKS and do both of them on MONDAY! So those who still want to enter have time to post the sidebar thingie (and email me after) and/or sign up for the class.

I just finished reading A thousand splendid suns by Khaled Hosseini. The theme is still on Afghanistan and Pakistan like 3cups of tea. I loved the book. Even though it was heart wrenching at times. But the matter of the fact is your gratitude level rises to the heavens when you realize how bad some women have it in the world. Especially in Afghanistan.

hearts and kisses and peace.


Ella Swan said...

Sorry to bug you but I can't find your e mail address & just wanted to say that I have your digie on my sidebar as per your request ;-)

Kimberly White said...

Hi Wilna! I'm so excited! I just signed up for your class! I'm really looking forward to it! Have a wonderful day! Kim
PS. You have placed your heart in the perfect spot =)

Sophia said...

Beautiful, love this...

Kataroo said...

"eyes straight ahead....leave evil in the dust." I like that!


cinnibonbon said...

I'm in...I'm in. I got in your class. So excited!

lori said...

I also added you to my blog sidebar but, was unable to email you...the class looks your heart

Martha said...

I read "a thousand splendid suns" just last month and thought it was amazing. I just wish he had known they were brothers in the beginning and stopped the gang rape! Devastating. I have ordered "3 cups of tea" through my library, anxiously awaiting the arrival so I can delve into that! Have you read "winter in kandahar"? Another excellent book that takes place mostly in Afghanistan!