Monday, December 28, 2009

clean blog.

this is a result of me cleaning: blog, schoolroom, scraproom, doctor's office & garage.
I think i am nesting for 2010.
Tomorrow: post about 2009 in review.

Francois wrote: James sees the mirror mystery, where our true identity is revealed, as the law of our perfect liberty. (The law of spontaneity) James 1:23-25. Our doing is triggered by our seeing the truth about ourselves; no longer a doing to become something or even a doing to improve ourselves, but a doing because of who our faith knows we are. Being convinced about your true identity in the face of contradiction is the secret of a fulfilled life. James1:2-4,17,18. The gospel remains in the first place something I see, not something I do; even my dying is not a doing, but a seeing; the seeing always inspires the doing. The language of the laws is DO; the language of grace is DONE!

such great news!


JenD said...

nesting? are you giving us a hint?

Stefanie said...

I like it.