so, for the past few months i have been lamenting my bedroom to the point where i think i was driving my husband crazy... I wanted to paint the wall grey but he didn't want to. I want to get some new bedding but the thing is that Jaco loves our 6 year old (and coffee stained) comforter so much I don't even dare to get a new one. So this morning he left early for a clinic he does once a week 3 hours away. And i drank a bottle of 5 hour energy and decided that I am going to paint my bedroom wall grey. he-he. So, this is a sad before photo with my point and shoot because both my Nikon batteries were dead:

and then after about 1200 calories and a total upper body workout i am so happy with the results. I decluttered a whole bag out of our room + added the loose rug. And now i cant wait for Jaco to see it... I still have this comforter on the bed but just added a white king-size spread on top. I shortened the curtains that I needed to have done months before + i took the red light from another room and placed it on his side. : )
This is probably the neatest it will be in a while but it felt good to just infuse some color and depth into this space. I am really happy. Maybe we will be inspired to keep is this way!

Some good news today: (So, we can say that in Christ:)
Isa 30:18 the Lord [earnestly] waits [expecting, looking, and longing] to be gracious to you; and therefore He lifts Himself up, that He may have mercy on you and show loving-kindness to you. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) are all those who [earnestly] wait for Him, who expect and look and long for Him [for His victory, His favor, His love, His peace, His joy, and His matchless, unbroken companionship]!
So pretty! My living room used to be grey, & I loved it, but themed moved. I do miss it a ton!
Looks very nice...inviting and peaceful. Great job!
What a difference a wall and a dark cushion make! nice work. waiting to read your husbands response to the least he gets to keep the comforter!
love a little change with a little paint. it seems to be my middle name. the room looks great and your husband will love the change (even if he doesnt' say it). they always do -- as long as they don't have to change it themselves.
WOW, our own Nate Berkus/Oprah makeover and we do not even live close to New York or any Target stores...Well done my love...just one of the 3 million reasons I still love you more after 20 years together...
It looks great. Even made the paintings on the wall above your bed stand out more. Nice job. I hope hubby likes it as much as you do. Blessings, Cherri
Wow, just with those two changes you have a whole new atmosphere in your room. Love it!
I love the new and improved room! So cute!
Fabulous! Love the after :) Looks so peaceful, I'm pleasantly surprised by the grey!
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