Today i am giving away a Making Memories goodie box. Included will be a Slice Design card! I love Making Memories. They have only been good to me! My journey with them started when i won the Making memories Idols contest in 2006. And now i have been a part of my Idol company for almost 6 years. : ) I adored reading all your life lessons... I read and re-read all of them. Please leave me a comment and tell me more life lessons!! : )
My first 10 life lessons
My second 10 life lessons....
21/40: Eat less and move more. Also, eat food that loves you back. when you start looking at food like this, you will eliminate a lot of junk!
22/40:Getting fit is a long term commitment. I started 18 months ago to exercise. I was totally and wholly unfit. And P.A.C.E. got me to where i can run 5km now. Read more about it here.
23/40: Blogging has been one of the great joys of my life and serves as a diary of our family. Blogger still rocks my world after 6 years.
24/40: I heart photos. I learn that more and more every day. I love everything about it: shooting (in manual), and the editing. it makes me happy.
25/40: Photoshop is the best invention of this age. yes. yes. Ok, and Apple Mac computers.
26/40: I love movies. Black hawk down, The King's speech, Pride and Prejudice, Avatar, The social network, Far and away, The Gladiator, Shawshank redemption. And so many more.
27/40: I love music. classical. Piano Concerto No. 21: Andante and The Marriage of Figaro / "Duettino - Sull'aria" (Mozart) is my ultimate favorites. The Marriage of Figaro is the piece that feature in the shawshank redemption. What i love is to see the love my girls are developing for classical music. It makes the heart soar. there is no better description. : )
28/40: Sleep enough. Amen.
29/40: Drink lots of water. I cannot function without water. It's one of the best habits I have every developed.
30/40: Love. Go after a life of love as if your life depended on it—because it does.(1 Cor 14:1). tell the people around you you love them. A lot.
And that's my list for today. I am working on Jaco to write his list too.
till tomorrow
love and a kiss

Laugh a lot. I love listening to my kids giggle and laugh together. I want them to grow up and live with laughter always.
I love reading your lessons everyday!! I will miss it when this week is over! Another life lesson for me would shouldn't have conditions. If you love me, you love me for me, you don;t love me for what I can get you, what I do for you, how much you can boss me, simply love me.
I love this saying.... Never get tired of doing the little things for others sometimes those little things occupy the biggest part of their lives!
Happy early birthday : )
Looking back I now know that the 40's are when you really start living your "true self" life. Embrace it, the best is yet to come !
Life is too short to take things too seriously. Don't sweat the small stuff, as they say. Happy Birthday to both of y'all! I'll be joining the 40 club in January! :)
Everything in moderation. I love this because it applies to so many things. Thanks for the chance to win goodies!
a favourite life lesson of mine: Look. Keep your eyes open and enjoy the small simple beautiful things. Today I saw a cow moose and newborn calf and it made my day.
to sit back and take in the small thing in life !!
I also have a saying that I like it is by Anonymous "A friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out." I always try to pick that kind of a friend and to be that kind of a friend.This weekend we had a scrap and card get together and we all said we don't know what we would do without our girl friends.
Laugh a lot. With friends , family and kids as often as possible. Hugs Ewa
Another of my life lessons is that laughter cures a lot of hurt and time generally cures the rest. Distance and giggles are remarkable healers...
My lesson to you :)
Live your life so, that if you look back once, you can say: I would not change anything.
I think it is pretty hard, but I'm trying :)
Stay in the day so you don't miss anything.
Two favorite lessons learned: 1) Have a sense of humor about everything; yourself, life, the good things, and the bad. Being able to smile through it all makes a world of difference. 2)Happiness is fleeting and depends on the moment. True joy comes from within and is always there. Do worry so much about being happy, but finding what brings you joy.
That last sentence should have read *Don't*. :)
Love your layout, your girl is gorgeous with beautiful hair. I love classical music too! Other thing I've learned that - be nice and gentle to other people, even if its hard for whatever reason that minute. Coz they'll remember that! also - think before you open your mouth ;)
In life it's the little things that are really the big things. Appreciate and cherish them.
Stay young at heart. Never grow up no matter how old you get.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understandings. In all your ways acknowledge Him and he will direct your paths. That is a good verse to live by.
Life is happier if you simply pray to be where you are supposed to be and know that you belong where you are.
I would say "the best and most important things in life are those you can't buy"...
Age is only a number! My Mother in Law used to tell me, that you are only as old as you feel....somedays that's the 57 I just turned or younger or older.
ENJOY every moment of every day - good or bad!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you both! Hope YOUR days are AWESOME!!!
"Relive" past memories by talking about a good tends to start another good memory. I love Making Memories products too...and I just bought a Slice! Thanks for a chance to win.
Never stop learning........
Happy Birthday to you dad will be 70 on 6/23/11. he is 18 months cancer free now!!! Hallelujah! Keep making your memories!!
Naughty Forties! If you think "I cant do that! Im too old!" Then go ahead and do it anyway!
Lesson learned: It is never too late to try to do something that wasn't easy years ago. Sometimes we are unaware of all the skills we gain from year to year.
Another lesson I've learned - God will never give me more than I can handle. :) Thank you for the chance!!
My dh & I put Love & Laughter into our wedding vows (22 yrs ago.) We are still loving and laughing, everyday!!
(and chocolate is good too!
and gratitude
o hear I'll be up to my own 10 things in another minute.)
one of my favorite saying from pre-k that has always stuck with me and thankfully have never needed to use this advice...stop drop and roll
I was so drawn to the lovely layout and the use of the Large pic...gorgeous! and as I approach 46, I always tell folks I never lie about my age-I know i could never pass for 30 anything!!! With the exception of my weight, I'm ok with the grey hairs and few wrinkles!
Fabulous work as always :-)
My next piece of wisdom..... umm....
Always look on the bright side of life. The glass is half full. Nothing is as bad as it seems. Count your blessings.
And other such cliched sayings which all mean similar things. That's my view on life, it's just that sometimes you have to remind yourself of that :-)
Here is a little life lesson epiphany that I had recently: Don't fool yourself into believing that reality is your perception of it. There is alot bigger picture than what our finite minds can comprehend. Am loving reading your tidbits of wisdom. xo- Alisa
Life Lesson: Don't wish away the trial you are currently undergoing. They are helping to make you a better person in the long run.
Every day i have an opportunity to encourage someone by what i say. It's a choice i make whether i'm going to do it or not ~ i've learned it's more important to build up than tear down, more important to give a kind word than to say something hurtful. You can always find the good if you look in the right direction! It's all about ATTITUDE! This has become a daily life lesson for me and it makes me happy too!
I always enjoy your layouts Wilna, they are so soft, suttle and serene; very pleasing to the eye!
I love the life lesson, "Enjoy them while they are young". I have three kids and I love and cherish all my time with them. I am super involved in their school, sport and clubs. I love supporting them and showing them how much I love them. I believe I am truly enjoying everything about their childhoods and I hope someday they will look back and remember how much I love each of them.
My little girl!
life lesson #2, trust your gut.
A recently learned life lesson is you have to exercise your body! I have never been a consistent exerciser and for the past 18 months I have exercise EVERY DAY! I'm loving it's addicting.
Make your life beautiful. Throw away the old dishttowels that still work just fine but are ugly and fill your life with cuteness. It makes everything better :)
aahhhh.... Making Memories..... always a favourite!!
nog 'n lewensles: moenie ander mense oordeel nie. jy is nie in hulle koppe of harte nie, so jy weet nie hoekom hulle sekere keuses maak nie. almal maak keuses wat hulle dink is die beste.
liefde uit suid-afrika ('n koue Jhb) - ingrid
"Laugh more". Simple but effective life lesson, methinks :)
As a native from San Francisco, I wish you and your family weekend in this beautiful city. It is an incredible city by the bay and I know you will enjoy each day you are here. I cannot wait to see your pictures!
Happy Birthday to you, your husband, and daughter. Enjoy your adventure.
Well, I'm too young to teach others, but I've learned that we focus too much on things that are urgent, but not important. The goal of a balanced life should be to pay more attention to things that are important, but usually don't look urgent... All the best for you guys, happy birthdays! E.
Live, Laugh, Love, Learn. Just because I love Ls it is easy to remember.
Lesson number 25 for me: If you really want to get some inside info; or where things are at: read my wife's Blog...
enjoyed all your comments girls...
at 40 I am still young enough to learn...
One of my life lessons is to live in continual repentance-understanding that by faith we're saved but by repentance we're forgiven.
Be open to new things, never let others take you down + always tell the ones you love, "LOVE". :D
I got a question to No. 21: How would you define "food that loves you back"? It sounds very interesting and I would love to hear more about it!
Try to see the positive in everything. Negativity doesn't solve anything.
Change is good and take a leap of Faith. Happy birthday one day late :)
More life lessons: Release anger and resentment and jealousy, if only harms you, your physical being and your happiness.
Life lesson for me would too be to jump in the middle instead of standing on the sidelines!
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