Thursday, July 27, 2006

what i am doing at the moment...

busy with THIS as a project
listening to THIS ...water for my soul
listening to THIS for total, complete and divine inspiration and jubilance

i am in the process of working on the project and to me its so much more than a project. i have made albums for my mom, my husband, my children, myself and for my friends but THIS album is for God. it came into my heart to create this album about Joh 10:10 A thief is only there to steal and kill and destroy. I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of. (message) and the amplified say The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows). the theme for the contest is CELEBRATING LIFE IN COLOR. this is the life i am living and celebrating.

then 3 more things happened. a friend gave me Psa 76:11 Vow and pay to the Lord your God; let all who are round about Him bring presents to Him Who ought to be [reverently] feared. and our dear pastor talked about giving to God is not always in the tithe and the offering... but whatever God requires. and i KNEW then that i want to bring this offering to Him. and you know what? i dont care if i am placed LAST in this competition, i know i am pleasing Him. Last night, we had the most amazing talk with Pastor Stead and he was talking about the 2 schools of thought in the christian walk. one school says that i will not move without a clear word from God and the 2nd school says that i will not get the clear word from God until i move. i love this. Abraham was a scholar of school 2 and so am i. i pray for Gods will to be executed in my life EVERYDAY and then i do what is in my heart to do. and you know what? God directs my steps. i wanted to enter another competition and started eagerly making pages and clearly the next day i felt the Holy Spirit saying to me to NOT do it. OK. so i didn't. i understand Mat 11:29 more and more: Walk with me and work with me--watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. i don't know exactly where i am going. but i know the promises i have received. i know the passion and desires of my heart. i know the true north direction that i am suppose to be going... and i am enjoying the journey.
Psa 75:6 For not from the east nor from the west nor from the south come promotion and lifting up. it's up to God to make it happen. BUT i have to be moving and doing. wow, i just had to share this, it's so liberating and uplifting to know.

bless you. happy going!

Monday, July 24, 2006

BIG week for one little girl...

yep. this is her. my girl. my genes. obviously her dad's charm AND genes as he also caught a buckload of fish this weekend. AND its her birthday on wednesday. and i just want to add... this was her 3rd fish and NOT the biggest one. we went out on Francois and Maralien's boat and i didnt want to take my NIKON baby with me, so i didnt snap the second and biggest fish. she threw in herself and caught the fish ALL BY HERSELF. man, i am so proud. i was telling her what an adventure her life has been this year.
1. she learned to snow ski
2. she is learning horseback riding
3. she learned to fish
4. next weekend she will learn to water ski.
and she is only turning 9. what a life!! thanks to Matyn for the letter on the blog! and WHOOOHOOO to boetie for getting that CANON. only shame its not a NIKON. i am looking for a lense for you. Barbara emailed me. i have a sigma 70-300mm f4-5.6 DG makro. have a GREAT week!

Monday, July 17, 2006

oh my...

this must be one of my favourite pictures ever! it was taken in the calgary zoo. thanks maryna for picking me UP and amking me feel like a million bucks! love you girl!

and yes! we were cowboys for a moment. this picure taken by tia at the stampede.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

showing them the world...

i just realized again how fortunate we are to be living in this wonderful, beautiful and vast country. this picture was taken at lake louise in Alberta and is probably on of the most beautiful spots on earth. and aren't THEY a sight too?

Will post some more tomorrow. safe and sound at home.

Saturday, July 8, 2006

On a TRAIL...

of the dinosaurs... and the zoo... and the rodeo today. YEP we are in Calgary and having a zillion fun. yesterday we went to IKEA and had a blast on the visa. priceless. we are staying here. johann and marian and conroy is with us. the husbands are doing this pseudo sport-injury-course. alias bed and gas for the trip. (they can claim that back) so this morning we are going to a mall. i am watching LE TOUR and are enjoying it greatly (even now that Lance is retired.)

oh, and the picture was taken at the royal tyrrell museum in drumeller. AMAZING history of dinosaurs. and HEAPS of fossils. and amazing geography.
will post more. (oh, BLESS this nikon. i love it!)

Tuesday, July 4, 2006

bob the builder...

we are in the building mode. oh man, it haven't started and i am thiking about the cleanup already!!! we are just dividing a really big space in our basement so that there is another room. no biggie. but still. Darryn is building for us. we might as well call him BOB. jana is still her funny self. yesterday we went into town and while i was backing up out of the driveway she said: let's get this show on the road!
ha-ha. yes. sometimes i think this household is one big show. and me? the backstage manager. Erika asked how i do it without Girly. easy. everyone has to clean up after them selves. i have a dishwasher that works once a day. i don't do all the ironing. jaco does his own. and i hang up/fold up the clothes as soon as it comes out of the dryer. i do some cleaning everyday: little here, little there. and i have to tell you: it's a joy! i love where Jesus says: Walk with me and work with me--watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. that describes me in my house.
have a blessed day.

Sunday, July 2, 2006

see! really got that fish!

3 actually. and jaku's fish is not on the blog cause his BIG one got away.really. the guy here's name is Jeremy and he held it for me as i refused to touch it. i will post a link later in July, but i am doing a page for Creating Keepsakes online challenge on my fishing adventure. i love the page i made. so this weekend was wonderful. we had a celebration of waine and marj's 25 anniversary. they are a gorgeous couple we came to know and love here in PA. HAPPY HAPPY you 2. i took 200 pictures yesterday at the celebration and there was still 400 pictures left on my memory stick (then the resolution is on LARGE!!) amazing technology. i love to take pictures. it's the editing afterwards that i don't particularly like.

lately i love apples. and this week we are going to Galgary for the stampede. YEA BABY!!! tomorrow i am getting that pink cowboy hat to match my pink crocs. i have to officially thank CHARNIN for this absolute FABULOUS present. really the most used present i ever got! Thanks charn, you are a sweetheart.

my dad-in-love also reads my blog. man, i have to tell you that when i first met DR Furstenberg snr, i knew to marry the son. because although he is around 60, he is still so darn sexy!! hi dad!!! thanks for reading the blog. we love you and mom!!!!

my kids are growing up, riding horses, talking sweeter everyday. i don't know why, but Jana's picture dont want to post. bummer.

and i got this book from Maryna this week. Thank you, thank you, thank you. she schemed to get it posted in new york just so it will get to me. the postage was $3.27 (us) amazing! in another Creating Keepsakes online project i did a page about maryna and me "praying for mail" because we post something and pray that it will get to it's destination! i love daleen matthee. i love afrikaans. thank you. you made my week.

and we are reading this book that is convicting our hearts, confirming that His is the only way, letting us believe that we are only starting to scratch the scratch of this wonderful thing we call a relationship with the King of kings. i cannot begin to tell you. not even close. Phi 3:8 Yes, furthermore, I count everything as loss compared to the possession of the priceless privilege (the overwhelming preciousness, the surpassing worth, and supreme advantage) of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord and of progressively becoming more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him [of perceiving and recognizing and understanding Him more fully and clearly]. For His sake I have lost everything and consider it all to be mere rubbish (refuse, dregs), in order that I may win (gain) Christ (the Anointed One),

i am taking my notebook to the stampede. will post some more from there. love you.
live. laugh. be happy. Jesus loves you.